Sep 05, 2009 17:22

Characters: Rajani and...anyone who she runs into
What: It's an open log. What do you want from me. B|
Where: P. much anywhere in the city
When: During the nights of this weekend, this time.
Rating: Currently unknown ( Read more... )

darkrai, open log, leon, dialga, goose, cresselia

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kamasutrapilot September 5 2009, 23:07:44 UTC
Day: Sunday the 6th
Time: 9 PM
Eavesdropping?: HMMM nah.

Goose was one to always head out on the town and look for any nice bars or pretty faces to grace with his presence. He did this all the time back at Holiday and quite often found some nice catches, and by catches, I mean hot ladies willing to... ahem, y'know.

He was hoping for the same tonight, probably. Though he had to admit, he did like the thought of a relationship one day with the RIGHT gal, but pffft, just average flirting satisfied him enough for now.

He turned the corner of one of the streets, his eyes darting around to the people around him, if anyone.


whyyyYyyyYYyYy am I so slow today 8| creeperpokemon September 5 2009, 23:40:27 UTC
Goose was out of luck if he wanted something like that, then. Rajani was completely uninterested in such things. Not on the first date, anyway.

Unfortunately, she had been lost in thought and failed to notice him turning the corner. Nice going.


Re: whyyyYyyyYYyYy am I so slow today 8| kamasutrapilot September 5 2009, 23:44:04 UTC
Goose felt like he was in luck, though, so he realized when he had bumped into a pretty lady like Rajani quite roughly. Oops.

"Ack- damn-!" He quickly got silenced when he noticed the beautiful lady in front of him. Deep skinned with long, shimmering silver hair and OH BOY OH BOY HE FOUND A GOOD ONE.

"Iiii'm sorry t' have bumped into ya', miss," He grinned slyly. Ohohoooo boy.


creeperpokemon September 6 2009, 00:47:33 UTC
Rajani backed up a bit (though her expression remained unchanged), looking up at him. "Ah, no need to... That was my fault; I should have seen where I was going." Although she'd gotten better at speech, she was still rather quiet.


kamasutrapilot September 6 2009, 00:49:49 UTC
"Naw, naw, I'll take the blame this time," Goose grinned politely and, being a bit daring, took her hand. "'Sides, it was just an accident. I forgive ya'. By the way, call me Goose, Miss...?"


creeperpokemon September 6 2009, 01:36:18 UTC
Rajani tensed a bit as Goose took her hand, but didn't resist apart from that. "...if you insist. And I go by the name 'Rajani'." She bowed her head slightly.


kamasutrapilot September 6 2009, 13:53:50 UTC
Goose sighed contently and gave her a nod. "Rajani, eh? Loooovely name. Almost kinda lyrical," Oh yeah, Goose, like you haven't said that to the many women you've had 'experience' with. "Pleasure's all mine, miss."

Rajani, did Goose just kiss your hand? I think he did.


creeperpokemon September 6 2009, 20:01:36 UTC
Sorry Goose, but Janie Rajani completely missed the point of that. She simply found your behaviour very strange and airheaded. "...it is a name, nothing more."

Uh, okay wow. Rajani wasn't sure how to react to that. So she... didn't. Your social skills still needed work, Miss Darkrai.


kamasutrapilot September 6 2009, 21:31:49 UTC
"Well, hey, it's a nice name. S'all I'm sayin'," Goose glanced up at her to see her reaction to his kiss. As in... absolutely nothing. Huh, she seemed to be acting as if he didn't do that at all!

"What're ya doin' roamin' the streets this late, eh?"


evidence that i suck today: this tag creeperpokemon September 6 2009, 23:26:24 UTC
"...Exactly that. Which, if you do not mind terribly much, I will return to." With that, she pulled her hand away from Goose ((if he still had it)) and proceeded past him. Either Rajani's social skills need polishing or winter came early, because man, that was COLD. AHAHAHA LOOK I MADE A FUNNY


Re: evidence that i suck today: this tag kamasutrapilot September 7 2009, 00:03:58 UTC
Aw maaaan Rajani, why you gotta be like that. Goose's smile waned for a little moment, but popped right back up since he's a persistent little bugger. He kept on striding next to her. What a creeper. "Surely ya wouldn't mind someone joinin' ya'?"


creeperpokemon September 7 2009, 00:37:07 UTC
That's okay Goose. I mean, look at Janie's username. Rajani looked up at her unexpected companion with the faintest hint of surprise. "I am more accustomed to being alone, but... I have no objections."


kamasutrapilot September 7 2009, 00:40:19 UTC
"Excelleeeent," Goose snickered and continued to stroll with her. There was a moment of silence before he spoke again. "Heh, so whaddya' like doin' on nights like this? 'Sides walkin' around."


creeperpokemon September 7 2009, 02:16:36 UTC
She paused, unsure of how to answer. "...I do not know. I have not been in places such as this... for a long time." Or...ever, really, but you didn't need to know that, Goosey.


kamasutrapilot September 7 2009, 02:21:27 UTC
Really? Huh. Goose assumed that she probably didn't like in the city, but rather, maybe the suburbs or even the country like he did. "Heh, well, I usually like goin' out t' dinner with a pretty lady," He commented, Goose's hand slowly worming its way back onto Rajani's. Boy, he was a sly one. "If'n ya' want to."


creeperpokemon September 8 2009, 03:16:57 UTC
This time, though, Rajani moved her hand away from him, eyes narrowing. As she'd only just met him, she was still rather wary. Even if there was no cause to be. God Janie why you gotta be so paranoid

"...mm, I ate recently. But thank you for offering."


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