Artist: diamond_x_dust Claim: Final Fantasy X & X-2; General Series Theme Set: Alpha Themes: working, stars, blue, sugar and spice, alternate # of icons in post: 5 # of icons completed total: 36/100
Credit is appreciated, I will try to update more! ^^;; 01 kiss02 forgiveness03 soft04 are you there?05 loneliness
06 working07 dancing08 abandoned09 a misunderstanding10 vacation
11 hug12 smile13 tears14 rain15 sunshine
16 winter17 innocence18 so far away19 silence20 stars
21 in the moonlight22 tickle23 sweet dreams24 blue25 honorable
26 walls27 happiness28 sensual29 food30 over the rainbow
31 take your time32 sugar & spice33 holiday34 beginner's luck35 forgotten
36 misery loves company37 comfort38 candy39 present40 hold my hand