Jun 02, 2004 22:08
Barnes and Nobles: Meg Cabot (author of bestselling Princess Diaries series.)
i'm really glad i went to BN today and just hung out with friends. ON A SCHOOL NIGHT! how fcuking cool am i? very, i know. i was so proud of myself for not being an uptight, over-achieveing must-sacrifice-life-to-ace-history-and-chem-tests psycho. instead...i went out and had...fun. bizarre, but true.
i had dinner at chili's with the girlies and that was fun and fattening. then we went to barnes and nobles, my favorite store of all time, to see Meg Cabot (!) only to find out that there were no more seats left and we were the oldest ones there. haha. how cool did were we?! but i think it was more fun standing in the back, and probably less distracting for everyone else because we were laughing hysterically most of the time. Meg Cabot is so great! she's so adorable and cute, and she has the bubbliest personality i've ever encountered. it was great to meet her (someone actually famous! whoo for us). we confessed our ridiculous obsession/love for michael moscovitz and/or the actual guy from ROoney. AHHH! she was so sweet. ahhhh.
in conclusion, I AM COOL BECAUSE I FELT LIKE I HAD A LIFE TONIGHT. sure, it involved books, but i'm still uber cool.