Oct 05, 2006 10:07
Written 14th September
The weather here in Hamburg is gorgeous at the moment, the sun is shining, and I’m laid on my balcony whilst I’m writing this. I finished school ages ago, and I really am doing bugger all. At the moment it’s great but I can see myself getting seriously bored!
So another update on my adventures. Yesterday I met Harriet and Huw in town so that we could register at the university and perhaps do a part time course or one module seeing as we haven’t got much else to do.
I was a little late meeting them as I’d gone into an internet café to read an email which had sent me, it was the most sweetest email ever. I was grinning from ear to ear when I read it. He was telling me how proud he was of me for doing this and how it hurts to be this far apart but how I’m worth it and that he can’t get wait to get out here. I love how little things like that can just make you feel on top of the world!
We got lost on the way to the university as we got on the wrong tube -lol- but we found it eventually. We spoke to a woman who was of absolutely no help to us whatsoever and just sent us onto someone else. As directed, we went to this other person’s office only to find that his office hours were between 5pm and 6pm. We couldn’t be bothered trekking back another day so we went to a café on campus and just hung around. At around 4:50pm we thought we’d be clever and go back early just in case there was a queue but we weren’t the only ones who thought that this was a good idea and the queue was huge. We pushed in though as we weren’t going to hang around for an hour just for him to say we couldn’t register, which we couldn’t. Basically to do German as a foreign language which is what we wanted to do, you have to already have a degree which we don’t. And then to do other courses, you need to be a full time student - which with our school commitments we can’t do. Huw’s friend Helen though has registered another institution - similar to a college I think and is doing something there so we’re going to look into that.
After that waste of time, I went with Harriet to look at another house. We lost on the way there too! We checked on the map where it was in relation to the tube station and it honestly didn’t seem that far on the map but in reality it was! We phoned the woman whose house it was and she had to come and pick us up! It was a really nice, nice furniture, nice person, good rates €300 with everything included, internet too which is something I’m seriously missing at the moment. The only slightly weird thing is that she’s only allowed guests once every 4 weeks -lol- so I guess getting a German boyfriend is out of the question because he would only be allowed to stay once a month! She took it anyway, and I think she’s either gone today or going tomorrow to sign a contract and hand the money over.
It was Stammtisch last night and before meeting everyone in Oma’s Apotheke, Harriet, Huw and I went to a little bar/restaurant next to it for food. It was really cheap too. Huw got Spaghetti Bolognese for €4.90 (£3.10) and I got a steak for €9.60 (£6). It was really nice as well apart from the fact that the potato I got with my steak was covered in some weird cream which was really sickly! Oma’s was ok. I think we should mix it up a little bit and go to a few different places in different areas of the city. Harriet and I really put our foot in it though. There are two English guys who come out with us but they are doing work placements here and not assistants so didn’t meet everyone at Altemberg. Anyway, he asked us what we thought of one of the girls Rebecca and told us to give our honest opinions which we did, despite it not being very favourable. After we’d finished slating her, he informed us that he wanted to know our opinion because he was going out for a drink with her!!!
We left early. Harriet’s last train to where her mentor lives is well early and I was knackered from getting up early for school. I called into the paper shop in the main train station and bought Now magazine along with a Daily Mirror to see what’s been happening in England.
Once I got in, I pretty much fell asleep straight away as I was knackered but I woke up to a message at around 3am from an excited Andy informing me that he’d passed his re-sit. I was so pleased for him, he deserved to pass first time as he worked hard but he’s done it now and it means he doesn’t have to repeat the whole year.
I’ve been back at school today but it feels like I’ve done hardly anything. I had a 6th year class today which was funny! The boys were asking me for my telephone number! One boy looked so much like my little brother Jordan it was creepy! His mannerisms and behaviour were the same too! I spent a lot of time on the internet too replying to comments and emails and such like.
Since I’ve been back, I’ve not really done a lot. I had to go to the bank and sort something out. My money hadn’t gone into my German account and I was wondering why but it was because my travels cheques hadn’t been countersigned so they weren’t valid, so I signed them all and I should have money within the next couple of days. I’m a bit peeved though as it means I will have to withdraw more money from my English account. I’ve already withdrawn €230 (£144) which is more than I wanted to.
I don’t think I’m doing anything tonight but we are hopefully going out tomorrow night. Harriet found this really cool ice bar - it’s made completely out of ice and you have wear special jackets and gloves when you go down there and they serve proper ice cold vodka, so we’re thinking about going there!
Days until this is all over with: 168
Days until I see Andy: 6
Days until my 21st: 13