In which I copy out Louis CK Q&As from Reddit, to remember them

Dec 14, 2011 15:04

In your moving tribute to George Carlin, you credit him with inspiring you to periodically start from scratch with your material. do you believe that that would benefit most comics? Would a Mitch Hedberg or a Steven Wright -- that is, a comic that does tight one-liners -- be able to do the same? Do you think it would benefit a new comic to start such a practice early?

everybody is different. some comedy is more "musical" like steven. he is a pillar of comedy to me. He invented a whole form and all his jokes are poems. so it's different. I wanted to do it like george. now i do it like me.


You've been listed as a video editor on most of your projects. What program do you use to edit and why have you decided to take on this role?

I love editing. I have used Avid in the past but I exclusively use Final Cut Pro now, though I am concerned about the future... You always have to put three dots after the future...
editing is part of the process. it's how you form everything. In some ways not editing yourself would be like a sculptor dropping some clay off at a guys house and saying "Make a naked lady chasing a bull. and do it nice."


As a brit there's always been a bit of a culture gap between british and US comedy. What do you think of british comedy as opposed to US and which do you prefer?

It's been a while since I've seen any british standup. the difference as i've seen it in the past, is so intangible. It's really hard to describe. there's just a different set of cues, of moods and tones that are farmiliar to people in different countries.
One thing I have noticed, though is that some standups in other countries are influenced by what venues they are used to playing. Festivals are big over there. and galas, that kind of thing. So some times they get kind of loud. That's a generalization. because then theres guys like Dan Kitson, who just puts his soul out there. Goddamn that guys' funny. hey thanks for reminding me. I have to put him on my show this year.


More here. Thanks, messageboard internet!

Yes, there is a bigger HMM waiting to happen over the $5 super-successful download special he's just put out. Espeshly in relation to the way the likes of Amanda Palmer and webcartoonists like Mr XKCD can also make the internet work for them. But, you know, I have a cold a-brewing; work to do; sleep to wish for. Am contenting self with a "HMM"...

daniel kitson, louis ck, comedy

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