Unlikely Guardian suppositions of Monday: John Gordillo always looks eggy, and Book Club is poncy. Smugness
here, inspired by this more interesting but less soundbitey piece from
“Robin Ince's Book Club is pitched perfectly to many a middle-classer's twin loves: being seen to be well-read, and in on the joke.”
Because of Robin Ince's Book Club, I have read all of an awful Cliff Richard autobiography, in which he describes himself looking more spastic than a spastic while dancing. I have heard much of Danielle Steele’s love of jam as a post-coital breakfast condiment, summated in poem form. I even read all of The Krankies' book.
All the man Krankie’s anecdotes are about funny places he put his willy, e.g. between buffet table crackers.
Still. If The Guardian says I am well read...
* Based on interviews conducted at the country's biggest comedy festival - patronised by those with a budget and inclination to holiday at an arts event - a researcher found that middle class audiences prefer more thoughtful/complex material to the working classes. Who basically just like a man shouting "GARLIC BREAD". Apparently. Woo.