In p0rn meme news...

May 13, 2009 13:31

Continuing the trend of my only getting meme/webgeek knowledge from webcomics, the author of the splendid Questionable Content, qcjeph, has alerted me to the new practice of photographing oneself in the mirror, posterior raised. 'Vilena style', after the first girl who started it. Not quite reached Jimmy Carr levels of ubiquity: the arm-aloft self-portrait (so you're all boobs and no shadows) still wins for picture profiles. But intriguing nevertheless. Here's his offering/introduction to the canon:

Jeph suggested other folk draw their own characters, bottoms aloft. Most folk reading his journal didn't. (Randall Munroe conspicuously absent, for example.) One very much did.

questionable content, vilena style, web comic, art, bum waggle, meme

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