May 13, 2013 14:35
It's amazing how much time I can waste doing nothing and still get everything done that I wanted to. I think that's one of my biggest problems. It's like I can be totally productive and functional and even add in some extra things I didn't even really need to do and I still get stuck with a least a couple of hours where Will's still at school, it's too early to start dinner and I have the attention span of a flea so if I'm not actively doing something I'm walking around like a chicken with it's head cut off.
Today I didn't get home until 1pm (Dad took Will to school, I stayed at Scott's). I cleaned my car, I put away laundry, I cleaned my room, I worked out...and now I'm like DERP. I think this might mean that I'm ready to finish up my last few classes. I only have two of the damn things left anyway. Thank god for sunshine showing up just about when I was going to hit bottom (or a new bottom, I have several holes I jump down every couple of years or so, you know, just to see if Wonderland has changed at all). I am so affected by the seasons. I know what my downfall was this year too. It was A: I let myself stop working out which was utterly stupid. Exercise is really beneficial for my mood and even when I'm depressed it takes the edge off. I stopped for 5 months. STUPID STUPID STUPID. It also doesn't help that, hullo, I have some body image issues like whoa and I never really adjusted what I was eating when I was working out to what I should be eating when I'm not so obviously I put on some weight.
The other issue is that I really like wine. Like, a lot. And during the winter I was being vastly and utterly stupid AGAIN by letting myself take all these hours I'm not quite sure what to do with and...DRINK WINE. It's not like I was drunk driving my kid to school, but I was bringing him in, going home and having a glass or two and then sleeping it off and then picking him up. I literally lost an entire winter because I was drunk or asleep about 85% of the time. No los buenos. So now I'm not drinking during the day anymore. Because alcoholism and stuff.
Maybe I'll get into collaging again. Or read more. Or do something. One something I definitely have to get situated before the next apocalyptic cold season approaches is MEDS. Meds Liz, MEDS.
So now that I'm back up out of my rabbit hole I'm doing well again. Stuff is done, bills are paid, I go out with my friends instead of falling asleep the second Will's in bed.
Scott and I are doing well. He makes me very happy. He's the first guy I've been with that's really got his head on straight. He's also the first guy I've been with who I didn't dive in head first with. We've been seeing each other for 6 months about and there's no "I love you I can't wait to marry you". There's romantic moments and there are also times when we're more like friends hanging out. It's good for me. We went to see the Great Gatsby last night and I would recommend it to anyone. It was really interestingly done, Baz Luhrman always has his own unique modern edge to classic stories which is something I've always really appreciated about his work. Scott liked it too (and he's actually seen more than 5 movies in his lifetime, heh)