Sep 06, 2004 20:37
You see... ive had a really rough week, so i took it easy this entire weekend. We had a three day weekend in account of laber day, btw. I'm kinda mad that today is already Monday night (which means i have to get up tomorrow morning for school.) It's rough getting up at 5am in the morning and staying at school till 2pm! >< just realized that im probably gonna be kicked out of my advanced math class. You see, we took an ACT algebra test last Friday to test us if we were properly placed in the right class, and no one got to finish it. It was so terrible! I completely forgot the quardatic theorem!! (the opposite of b, plus or minus the square root of b squared, minus the quantity of 4ac, all over 2a...see now i remember! ^^)
We are supposed to get at least a 30 out 50 correct... but i dont noe if i scored that high. Oooooh...this is way bad...i just wanna get school over with...
Heh, i just realized that tomorrow is the first day of our art club! I can't wait! This is the only thing school's good for! I really have to improve my drawing skills. After all, Craig managed to get a recommendation to taking portfolio next semester...and this girl I just met on the forums sent me a drawing that is FAR better than what i could ever do!! She's all the way in Sweden...but she's still really good! ^^ I have a feeling we've become really good friends already! She's way too awesome and her name is really pretty: Azra. ^^ argh, i just realized that its 9pm and i still have to finish my homework... curse it all! >O< (meh, still have to be happy! ^___^)
"Can you celebrate...can you kiss me tonight?"