Speaking In Tongues - Jeffery Deaver

Aug 24, 2006 18:15

This is typical Jeffery Deaver at its best. You have the silver-tongued lawyer who can fight and win any case, and you have a brilliant silver-tongued psychologist with an axe to grind. Tate Collier the lawyer is forced to team up with his ex wife as Aaron Mathews kidnaps their daughter as he heaps revenge on Collier who years before sent Mathews own son to prison where he was subsequently killed for his crimes by other inmates. Mathews will stop at nothing and seeks to detsroy the lives of anyone who dares to get in his way.

The only criticism, if indeed it is a criticism is that Deavers novels all follow a similar pattern, there's always the crazed killer and a brilliant mind picking up the clues as they track him down. Saying this, I've never been let down yet with a Deaver novel so I guess if it's not broke don't fix it.

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Speaking in Tongues
Jeffery Deaver

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