Oct 21, 2005 22:03
LilmissSasS98: alvins away was like
LilmissSasS98: yeah at the fair
LilmissSasS98: and i was like
SuNshinE1264: mhm
LilmissSasS98: i bet all the asians are there tonight lol-not too hard to track down the posse
LilmissSasS98: i mean
LilmissSasS98: one of them goes somewhere
SuNshinE1264: duhh
LilmissSasS98: and like 10 other ppl follow
LilmissSasS98: i mean i guess its kinda a good system cuz then your never really alone
SuNshinE1264: true
A few minutes later....
always yers xx: THEY WERE ALL AT THE FAIR.
LilmissSasS98: LOL
LilmissSasS98: IM GOOD
always yers xx: at first i was liek whatt am i at the math competetion or something
^LLLLLLOLOL LMAO point proven! dont you just love my awesome theory about asians