Spud n stuff

Jul 19, 2007 13:20

I guess I should really post an entry although why anyone would want to read it is another matter!

Firstly Raceforlife last week. I nearly wossed out of doing that as it started bringing back dark memories of PE and sports day at school and me being the fat, ugly, spotty kid who was always at the back, always last. Still I'm extremely glad I did it. The venue was North Weald airfield, any Numanoids should know that name, whether Gary still keeps his plane there I'm not sure but it kept me occupied as I was whizzing round trying to spot it! Didn't see it and I haven't seen it in the skies over us for many a year so maybe not!

It was a perfect evening for it, not too hot or sunny, and also not too windy as it can get bitterly cold up there when there's a gale blowing. In the end I completed the 5km in just under an hour, I was terrified of coming last but there were a good 1000 women behind me thank goodness! The best sight of the evening was as we were leaving the very last competitor was bringing up the rear. A white haired old lady who must have been in her 80's, with a walking stick and a huge grin, waving a plastic flower as she had just gone over the 500m to go point, a real inspiration! Can't wait for next year, and maybe ahem I'll take the training slightly more seriously as boy did I ache the next day!

Now on to Spud the cat. She decided she wasn't going to eat or drink anymore on friday. That evening she found a box in the dining room and wouldn't get out for food, tickles or anything. In the end I decided it was best just to leave her there as she's so old now. I went down in the morning with trepidation and she was still with us, if not quite all there. Old boy decided she wasn't staying there and made her get out to have her meds! She then went and sat out in the sun and started to warm up. OB and I needed to go out but Mohawk said he'd stay behind so that she could stay outside in the sun. As we were getting ready upstairs Mohawk started shouting in the garden, I thought Spud had gone, but no, apparently a huge fox had lept over our 6 ft fench from next door, landed a few feet from Mohawk and run off! He was rather shocked! Whilst we were out Mohawk phoned us to say it had done it again! I know said fox and it's HUGE!

We got back and Spud was asleep in the sun. Still not eating or drinking as far as I was aware. I said goodbye to her that night before we went to bed, came down in the morning moreorless in tears to be greeted by a loud meow, which I really wasn't expecting! She went out into the sun and laid on her favourite Laura Ashley quilt. At one point she probably had 7 bowls with various type of food surrounding her but she didn't want to know. OB then hit on the great idea of giving her some catnip, she used to get munchie attacks when she was younger after rolling in it. This appears to have worked as she started eating monday morning and it now fully alert and active again! Could just be coincidence I don't know, but for now she's still with us and it seems if she carries on I won't be going on holiday this year, as it's not fair on her or anyone looking after her for 2 weeks with the meds. she has to take. She now loves her catnip and guards her stash in the garden ferociously! If this is what indeed is encouraging her to eat then she'll just have to be slightly high and rather wobbley for the foreseeable future!
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