[don't actually kill yourself for not reading]
well am if your reading i def. stole this :o)
.:n o r m a l:.
Time started:: 8:53 AM [but my comp. time is wrong]
Name:: sanya
Age:: 15
Age act:: haha depends on my mood
Birthday:: nov. 28 and IM me for my address to send the presents that i very much expect
.:l a s t | t h i n g | y o u:.
Ate:: an oatmeal cookie or a rice crispy treat whichever i ate last before bed i don't really remember
Drank:: nasty cola i hate it all i like now is diet
Watched:: suttin on VH1 like a talent show of little red-headed boys or something crazy that dennine put on when i wanted to watch the cosby show then rosanne!
Listened to:: caramel remix by city high
.:i f | y o u | w e r e:.
A crayon, what color would you be, why:: i could quote this and say "white so nobody would use me" but i'm not that gay so i'm gonna say pink cause its my fav. color
A pie, which flavor would it be, why:: apple cause it rocks
An element, which would it be, why:: air because hopp put it lol and i don't feel like picking one, ahh lazyness i know i know it must be another side effect of hunger [grab a twix]
.:w h a t | w o u l d | y o u | do:.
If you were handed a spork:: i'd play with it? idk who's handing it to me and why?
If someone told you to dance with a sheep:: i'd say you find one n then you get the money your going to pay me for it and yes i'll prolly do it
Said, there best friend was imaginary:: i'd say you have problems but so does my imaginary best friend...
Said, they were here to kill you:: tell them to shut up
Said, they were your stalker:: tell them that if they ever watch me again i'll stick my shoe up their ass and it wouldn't be too comfy
If someone picked your nose:: say thanks<3
If you were hugged by a stranger:: think that i must have been drunk/fucked up and met this person before n not realized it lol then ponder at what i did last night
.:t e l l | m e:.
Do you own any sporks, if so how many:: sure, 6.9 of them
Exactly how many forks are in your utensils drawer:: i'd count but i suddenly broke my leg and am therefore disabled from reaching the kitchen
What about knives:: read above
What utensil do you eat ice cream with:: spoon style seems to work good
Do you think i have an infatuation with utensils:: uhh yeah lol
Whats the title of the book closest to you:: haha the book i begged chad n my mom to buy me called "1,003 Great Things To Smile About"
Using the book, go to page 126, line 19, and give me the first sent:: its not a book w/ actual writings in it its actually just a book with like 3-4 crazy things that should supposevely be something to smile about and it has little sections like "Sounds That Bring A Smile" which is what page 126 is but i'll write down all the supposevely sounds that make you smile: 1) the crashing of the surf 2) the wind howling outside while you're snug in bed 3) your son practicing for his bar mitzvah when he doesn't know you're listening...............yes the author was a crackhead lol a jewish one
.:f a v o r i t e:.
Quote:: any that'd relate to what i feel at the time
Cheese:: def. representing motzerella
Smile-e face:: haha :o) <--that one
Horror movie:: uhmm idk if it was horror but me n am watched it a million times maybe its more thriller but i forgot the name? lol so maybe i should just say joy ride AHH !!
Toothpaste:: i think its crest but its got like 3 extreme flavor things and its speermint [sp?] peppermint n cinn.<333 or i liked the little kid kinds w/ sparkles that toothepaste is soo fucking good like cream yourself good
.:r a n d o m | s t u f f:.
Best hair color:: i like a really dark brown almost black but brown w/ like an ashy blonde highlights and thick brown caramel colored ones, that'd be hott i like the way i have mine now too cause i always wanted it like this so "bah bah bah bah bahhh i'm lovin' it"
Best hair style:: either straight [when it looks okay] or curled w/ curling iron orrr anything with curls n straightness is daaaankness
Have many friends:: i thought i used to but i guess not really but i don't care all the friends i DO have are awesome n i luv them very much
How many are imaginary:: only 3 1/2
Boys name:: i like when they start with a J but basically anything cool
Girls name:: i LOVE the name carmella [although some 9th grade girl gave it a bad look and i really don't like her very much at all] and trina or katrina something along those lines i love uhhm i like the name lisa too and ambers a pretty cool name uhhm anything REALLY cool n crazy n i love it i'm sure
.:f i l l | i n | t h e | b l a n k s:.
I wish i was: not single
P. Sherman, Wallabe: way sounds right [copied that from am] but god i love that movie lol the little orange fish amuses me evvverytime
Your my: babys daddy
You smell like:: old wrinklayy ashed up cigg. skunk TURD..but I on the otherhand smell like victoria's secrets love spell which is my fav. perfume ever
.:c a n | y o u:.
Touch your tounge to your nose:: nope i come sort of close though
Raise up one eyebrow:: i think i'm doing it
Whistle:: no but i always tried when i was little
Snap your fingers:: of course
Rub your tummy and pat your head at the same time:: yeah but when i pat my head it kinda circles around in that type of pattern haha
Make your tounge into the shape of a clover:: ha no i'm not that talented i think i'll settle with snapping my fingers n such
.:o d d | s t u f f:.
Like getting stuck in traffic:: urghh NO i don't think anyone does
Do you make signs and wave to people when you are:: no i usually start to flip shit but if i have paper n all-a that i'm gonna do that lol thanks for the idea
What color are your pjs:: wtf i don't have just one pair but i usually will wear a tanktop w/ my gray pants that say sexy in navy blue on the buttox region
Do you draw:: uhhm occasionally i'll draw crazy shit
How well do you think you do 1-10:: i suck at it..1 or maybe 2 OR 2.7? but i'm passing art lol so thats cool
Could you play the drums with your ears:: never tried but i don't think my ears are too talented and i won't put too much faith in them for that
Would you shake a can of soda then give it to a friend:: haha yeah any of them so this is probably a warning to my friends DON'T DRINK MY SODAS ANYMORE
Do blue lolly pops attrack you:: yes they remind me of smiiirf<3
Is your mind always in the gutter:: always? usually but sometimes i pick it out n clean it off
.:m o r e | r a n d o m:.
Do you have a fetish of anything:: maybe the computer and hmm drugs lol i luv em'
If so what, if not why not:: i just named what start reading what i'm writing asshole lol
Do you own a tutu:: no i think maybe i did when i was younger
Would you wear a tutu to school/public:: not to school and maybe in public depending on where
What is something thats physically impossible:: i'll go with the tounge to the ear theory
Would you ever do it:: lets think about this if its physically impossible then nooo but i would try it [just did n what do yuh know it didn't work]
Would you ever play chicken with a train:: haha no, hopefully not
Do you make animals noises:: sometimes i moo
If you could become a squirrel, would you:: maybe for like a day and i bet i'd be the only one smart enough to stay out of the road and not become roadkill [or reverse that i'd prolly be roadkill]
Time ended:: 9:28 AM thanks to much interruptions from zoro trying to chew up my entire room
hotttt shiiiit, okay i'm done WEE!