Okay, I'm opening up sign-ups.
They'll close around about the end of Thursday the 9th, just-east-of-the-International-Date-Line time; however, I probably won't actually be online at that time, so they'll close whenever I make the 'sign-ups are now closed' post. Hopefully, assignments will be sent out by the 11th.
Please offer to write as many fandoms as you possibly can -- this isn't going to be a particularly large ficathon, so I want to make sure everyone can be matched up.
You may request four fandoms for yourself. Please try to make at least one of them a well-known fandom, in order to facilitate the match-up process. However, I love small fandoms, and whole-heartedly encourage people to request them. If we have problems with match-ups, I may have to ask some people for a fifth fandom.
You may specify characters/pairings/story types in your requests, but please realise that your specific request may not be filled, depending on what the author is able to write. Conversely, I ask authors to at least attempt to vaguely match the request, if they're able to. If a person has no interest in slash, then it's probably not a good time to write the John/Scorpius zombie love epic you've been planning for the last year. Common sense and common courtesy, in other words. ;)
If the thought of zombie porn squicks you out, you may want to make a note of it in your request. Otherwise, the person writing for you is free to assume that you're fine with decomposing dangly bits.
If you're requesting/offering to write something set within the Marvel or DC universes, please specify which parts of the MU or DCU you want. You can go by title, team, or powers/legacy/whatever (speedsters, Lanterns, Batclan, et cetera). AUs/Elseworlds welcome.
Sign-ups will be screened, in order to maintain at least a small amount of mystery. However, I will be editing requested and offered fandoms into the end of this post, so that people signing up later can see the range of fandoms on offer, and work out whether there's anyone who can write their requests/offer to write rare fandoms that other people have requested.
Sign-up details should go as follows:
E-mail address:
LJ name (optional):
Can write in:
I think that's about it. Feel free to ask questions about anything I've missed. And feel more than free to pimp this ficathon out. *g*
Fandoms Requested
Batman Beyond
Black Books
Blake's 7
DCU: Batclan
Doctor Who (all)
due South
Harvey Birdman: Attorney at Law
Justice League International/Superbuddies
Justice League (any)
Star Trek: TOS
Stargate: Atlantis
Stargate: SG-1
The 4400
The Dark is Rising
The West Wing
X-Men: Evolution
Fandoms Offered
Batman Beyond
Battlestar Galactica
Blake's 7
Cable & Deadpool
Doctor Who (all)
Good Omens
Hard Core Logo
Harvey Birdman: Attorney at Law
Justice League International/Superbuddies
Justice League (Unlimited) (toonverse)
Marvel Zombies
Six Feet Under
Star Trek: TOS
Stargate: Atlantis
Stargate: SG-1
Teen Titans [v3] (comicverse)
The 4400
Ultimate Spider-Man
Ultimate X-Men
Wire in the Blood
X-Men: Evolution
X-Men Movieverse
Young Justice