hey, cats and kittens

Mar 05, 2007 02:52

It's that time of year again... and then some. Sorry for the delay in kicking off sign-ups; RL's been hectic.

Given how late this is starting, the deadline will once again most likely be pretty relaxed, although people will be encouraged to get their stories in at Easter if possible. And it's only a 500-word minimum, and I don't want this to be a high-stress ficathon, so feel free to keep it short, if the timeframe's stressing you out.

The sign-up post will go up shortly.

A more-or-less exact re-post of the FAQs from last year, because I am lazy:

1. What fandoms is this open to?

Any and all. The more fandoms, the better. Since this is an Easter ficathon, zombie Biblefic is particularly encouraged.

2. So, stories are due at Easter?

Yeah, sometime over the Easter weekend. Since many people will be busy, the deadline will probably be fairly relaxed.

3. What's the word limit?

500 words, minimum. If you want to write a 50 000-word opus, go nuts.

4. This question has been excised, due to current lack of relevance. Hurrah!

5. When do sign-ups begin?

After I've finished this post. Weren't you paying attention?

6. What's your position on zombie porn?

When it comes to zombie porn, all positions are good (although some are more difficult to execute while in a state of decomposition than others). I heartily encourage zombie porn.

7. How many fandoms can I request?

Four will be the likely number. I would prefer it if at least one request were in a reasonably well-known fandom (use your judgement as to what fandoms fall under this category); however, smaller fandoms are most definitely encouraged. (And yes, this FAQ is in no logical order. It's five in the freaking morning, people.)

8. Any particular story requirements? (Beyond zombies, that is.)

At some stage in the story, at least one canon character has to be(come) a zombie, or get their brain eaten by a zombie. Characters Fight Zombies! stories are all well and good, but let's admit it -- the best fun comes when a character you know and love develops a taste for grey matter. Zombification/consumption of canon character(s) must feature at some stage, even if only right at the very end.

9. I have a question you didn't address here!

That's not a question. But you can ask away in the comments, anyhow.
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