Feb 06, 2007 23:08
Sometimes I get so tired of doing work! I spend all day trying very hard to understand things that are very hard to understand. I have enough time to chill out and do things with friends and boyfriends, but I guess somehow that's not always enough. Like, I want to call friends or family members who don't live here, but I don't because I don't really have anything to say.
All I know is: fuck the Bruck-Ryser-Chowla theorem. The proof doesn't make any sense. First I look up quadratic residues; and for that, I have to look up the Hasse-Minkowski thm, which also doesn't make sense. Then I realize I don't know what the crap they mean by quaternions, which leads me to the Wikipedia page and further makes me realize that in a world supposedly comprised entirely of integers I've suddenly stumbled across the complex numbers. Fuckers. And now I have to figure out wtf Lagrange has to do with all of it. And fuck quadratic residues, anyway: they're one of those things that seem so blindingly simple that they couldn't possibly be meaningful. Except..
Also fuck group theory.