Nov 30, 2004 18:30
Dear livejournalfriends,
I am sorry for swearing so much in that last entry.
And I am sorry for being in such a crummy mood last/this week, regular friends and school chums.
I was in a good mood today, and feel quite lovely.
I totally aced both my presentations.
I got a ride home today.
I like to be the passenger on drives. I do not talk on drives very often because I enjoy looking out the window and seeing things rush past. Sometimes find where we live is a very sad place. (eg, the fraser river in New Wesminster.) God it is depressing, all best buy warehouses, fluorescent lights, empty parking lots and concrete.
I forgot: On the skytrain, after Edmonds and before Royal Oak, there are these townhouses/condos that are fairly level with the track. This morning, I looked over at them and in one of the windows there was this Bridget Jones-esque woman cooking eggs and dancing around in her underwear, singing into the spatula. It was in slow motion and it was so funny.
It made me pretty happy.