ooc - Best early birthday + Xmas present EVAH. Or almost as good as a PS3. <3

Dec 05, 2009 05:47

Okay, so, I've said it before, being nominated for Choice Comedy Writer at the arpea_awards had already been totally unexpected and it felt like I had been injected with sugar and a nice bunch of plain good ol' joy, but WINNING for Choice Comedy Writer feels like you either haven't realized I'm a fake writer writing for a fake psychic or that I'm just plain lucky and some people enjoy reading whatever my crazy muse feels like sharing.

To all of you who voted: thank you very, very, very much! This is totally HARDCORE, it really means a lot to me. <3<3<3

And to det_lassiter 's mun: ROCK ON, BABY! Like I said, you totally deserve the recognition and me and Shawn foresee there's more awards to come in your future!

Congratulations to the winners and everyone who got nominated too! And here! See me pimping my pretty new banner! :D

Just one more thing...

LIVE FROM NEW YORK, IT'S SATURDAY NIGHT!!! ...Because I've always wanted to do that.

arpea awards, ooc, awesomeness

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