So, I don't even know where to start. I just literally went w324eterERGW"#$%&$#%"SQUEEEE!!1! after checking
this! Thank you so, so, sooooooooooooo very much to anyone who nominated me for Choice Comedy Writer at the Arpea awards! It's the first time I ever get nominated for something and lol, I feel like I've already won the world or something. Seriously, this made my day in so many levels it's kinda ridiculous. I have so much fun writing Shawn and I'm so touched by the fact that some of you guys enjoy reading his nonsense too. Thank you so much, from the bottom of my heart! <3
Also, congratulations
det_lassiter for your nomination too!! I told you, honey, you're an amazing writer and you totally deserve a recognition for it! Congratulations to all the nominees!
vote for Shawn, Lassie and your favorite muses! Anyone with a livejournal can do it!