Meta/ooc - Personal ad meme.

Jul 06, 2009 17:41

Write a personal ad for yourself (in which you assume that you are single or otherwise available).

1) It has to make you sound as unappealing as possible
2) It has to be honest - you can't lie at all
3) It can't sound as though you're deliberately making yourself sound unappealing.

Professional fake psychic and mildly compulsive liar overall, 30 year ( Read more... )

meme, ooc

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ooc a_catlike_guy July 8 2009, 02:30:51 UTC
X3 You've got his voice down so well. Thanks for the roffles. <3


Re: ooc dial_a_psychic July 8 2009, 06:11:13 UTC
OMG, thank you so much for the comment! <3 It truly made my night! :D

On random news, this reminded mah poor brain that I need to finish watching Black Cat. The first ending is one of the best endings evah! X333


Re: ooc a_catlike_guy July 8 2009, 13:18:05 UTC
You're very welcome!! <333 :D

Cool, you're a fan of the Black Cat anime! Fan of Psych AND BC, how awesome is that? X3

This Train here (alt universe, a bit of both anime and manga storylines mixed in) hangs around SWS, as well as some other muses, such as !Books Dexter Morgan (bloodspecialist), who's friends with Jackie, your Shawn's cousin. And a Dean Winchester (dean_is_the_man).


Re: ooc dial_a_psychic July 8 2009, 16:16:15 UTC

Heeeh! Same about you, my friend! And OMG, I haven't seen much anime in ages, but I still catch up with the Bleach manga regularly.

Oh, sweetness! That sounds interesting even though I'm totally lost with the BC manga. And OMG, yes! I've seen Dexter around! Oh man, Shawn wants to bug him, like, so very badly! XDDD Stupid muse pushing my plotbunny buttons!


Re: ooc dean_is_the_man July 8 2009, 17:47:10 UTC
Mwahahahahahaa!! By all means, I allow Shawnsy to go on ahead and do so. X3 Dooo it Shawn. Dooo it. XD

The manga is really the superior over the anime. It's awesome!!

Got AIM? Check Deanie's profile for mine. (If not I got MSN, and I almost never use my YIM.) *snickers* This muse here? He's really, really upset at me for letting my one Rule of Rose muse cause too much trouble.


Re: ooc dial_a_psychic July 9 2009, 18:17:07 UTC
Omg, don't encourage him! XDD But yeah, he will, there's no way of shutting him up now.

Oh, man! I really need to catch up!

Okay, I'll add you then. ^_^ I'll probably be on aim around the weekened because work and classes are biting my ass, not to mention that I'm a lil sick and gah! Anyway, yeah, I'll definitely be about then. :D LOL, bad Dean! XDD


Re: ooc dean_is_the_man July 10 2009, 00:06:38 UTC
Awww, Why nooooot? *pouty face* Dexter wouldn't mind meeting him, I know that. Hehehe looking forward to it. <--Go there. The whole BC manga is there!

lol alrighty. ^___^ *can hardly wait! XD*

Well Dean's got every right to be upset. Diana unleashed a lot of her creepy little servant guys at him, and Dean seriously wants to get her back. So I'm providing him one. And now the idea of doing a Demon Sammy is stuck and ahhh he's seriously pissed off. XDDD


Re: ooc dial_a_psychic July 10 2009, 02:43:06 UTC
LOL X3 Heeeh, already poked him. Don't say I didn't warned you!

Awesome! I'm going to catch up for sure now! ^_^ And OMG Sven. <3 XDDD

Me neither! I think I'll be able to be around tomorrow, at least for a while. :DDD

LMAO! Yay for cracky storylines!! Are you playing this on sws? Now I really want to check it out.


Re: ooc bloodspecialist July 10 2009, 03:46:41 UTC
Dex is not scarrrrred. XD

Yup. Svenny! And EVE. Also to mention Creed and Kyoko and Leon.

Yup, I got some of the links saved if you'd like to have a looksie.

Diana's hint on her devious plotting to get Deanie

In which Diana's unleashed a lot of her imps on him.

Diana coming out of hiding and Dean catches up to her.

Where the final showdown begins!


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