ooc - Babies meme.

Apr 20, 2009 15:08

Even though it's autumn on my side of the world (and that I'm currently freezing my ass XD) it's spring in Santa Barbara. Which means one thing: babies ( Read more... )

meme, ooc

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Re: OOC dial_a_psychic April 28 2009, 20:03:38 UTC

Okay, really need to write Shawn and Jules' kid, even though having Shawn and James as Daddies would be so much fun it would probably be considered illegal in some countries. XDDD


From all the things Shawn Spencer expected to experience after Juliet O'Hara made a honest man -well, in most aspects except the faux psychic one- out of him, panic definitely wasn't at the top of the list.

He tried to keep his cool facade. But he could clearly see his nervousness mirrored in everybody around him.

After all, not only a very pregnant Jules was hyper charged with maternal hormones, she had refused to stop working and demanded to go undercover as a patient in the drug traffickers case the department was currently working on at the Santa Barbara Sacred Heart Hospital.

And she was loud, so very loud. And looked like she could hit pretty hard for a very pregnant lady.

Not even the Chief dared to send her home after Juliet gave her a very hormonal (she almost cried when she mentioned Erin Brockovich) list of reasons why she should be leading this case. So, Chief Vick granted Juliet's wish and patted Shawn's shoulder as she guided a very silent psychic to her office's door.

Lately Shawn had been getting lots of symphatetic pats on the back. From Buzz, the rookies, even Lassiter. And Gus and his Dad snickered and grinned at him as if they had just won the lottery.

This wasn't right. As much as he did love Juliet he also loved his freedom. He just couldn't be someone else's Daddy. That meant no more road trips, no more partying, no more leaving things behind. Because even though he had been able to live a normal life for the last few years, even though he had committed to leave all that behind in order to commit to Juliet, he still had the possibility to go back to his old life if that's what he really wanted to.

There's no choices for Daddies.

His Dad was precisely making fun of that fact and giving him his wise-ass grins when he got the call.

They arrived to the hospital just to get to see how a still undercover Juliet was rushed through the halls of the hospital, looking so very ready to explode.

That was the longest night Shawn had ever lived.

When he finally was allowed to go see his wife, panic run through his body as if a very drunk Speed Racer was running a drunk olympic race up his spine.

A looking dead tired Juliet, with her undercover Gothic makeup all over her face, her hair wet and her eyes looking pouffy and red greeted him. She had the brightest smile he had ever seen.

"Shawn," she said without taking her eyes from the little bundle of pink she was holding close to her chest. "Meet your baby. Say hi to our baby Sam."

_ _ _ _ _

As Sam Spencer grew up she noticed her Dad was even more of a child than herself. No matter how many he and her Uncle Gus already had gone through that discussion about how new borns were not able to smile, her Daddy would insist that the first time they met, she had smiled to him. And according to him, since that day her impossible smile was what usually took all of his worries away.


And here's a pic of Sammy! <3


Re: OOC blonde_riddle April 28 2009, 21:31:08 UTC




And yes, I agree -- James/Shawn as daddies would be total win. But I luuuuuuurve this. Seriously. Like. There aren't enough words. And she's so CUTE. :DDD


Re: OOC dial_a_psychic April 28 2009, 21:50:12 UTC

I'm so stupidly glad you liked it, hon! \o/

And OMG, tomorrow I'm getting an exam off my back so, there's high chances of me giving the James/Shawn kid a chance because OMG, SO MUCH WIN! XD

But OMG YAY, I was stupidly nervous about this, I'm so very glad you liked it!!! <3<3<3 Also, James Roday and Maggie Lawson should have kids soon. Because seriously, even the internet agrees that their kids would be CUTE IN CAPS.


Re: OOC blonde_riddle April 28 2009, 21:55:18 UTC
\o/ \o/ \o/ \o/!

DUDE. That'd seriously be awe-to-the-some!!! <3

Aww, no need! Seriously! It's absolute perfection!! :DDDD And yes! Right?? They should .. we should write a letter.


Re: OOC dial_a_psychic April 28 2009, 22:01:10 UTC

OMG, I know, right? Okay, it's totally on the need to do list like for real now.

I blame exam nervousness mixed here. XD LOL, yes! We DEMAND you to have kids! Now, start working on it! We know you do! James, do it like a man!


Re: OOC blonde_riddle April 28 2009, 22:03:38 UTC
Bwahahahahaha icon <3

Awww don't be nervous! What's your exam on?

No joke... It should happen now. Well, nine months from now, you know, but. STILL.


Re: OOC dial_a_psychic April 28 2009, 22:14:34 UTC
LULZ, isn't it hypnotising? The hypnohips win at life! XD

Heh, it's not really a big deal, but RL has been a bit crazy lately so... XD Ugh, it's a stupid subject that like... explains the foundations of culture, socializing, human behaviour...

Totes. They should make an episode in which everybody gets drunk and we wonder through the whole season if Juliet's baby is Shawn's, Gus', Lassie's, Henry's or Chief Vick's. XDDD


Re: OOC blonde_riddle April 28 2009, 22:27:22 UTC
YES! <3

Ooooh.. that sounds interesting, actually! :D But a test is a test, even if the subject matter's cool... I'm sure you're going to do FINE! No, better than fine! Perfect! :DDDD



Re: OOC lipstickcat April 28 2009, 22:12:44 UTC
Lassie is having an emo fit about how damn cute their baby is XD Heeee! Of course, Shawn would be spellbound by a smile ^_^


Re: OOC dial_a_psychic April 28 2009, 22:20:58 UTC
Aaaaw, no Lassie! Don't be all emo! You'll start reading Twilight and asking for sparkly vampire baby drabbles if you do! D:

Would a proper Shawn/Lassie baby fic cheer him up? Also, yeah, I bet that any Shawn kid would have a magic smile! :D


Re: OOC lipstickcat April 29 2009, 05:12:09 UTC
Oh god, that's never going to happen - he's never going to turn into Ray XD

I'm sure that it would, but only after your exam ^_^


Re: OOC dial_a_psychic April 30 2009, 03:19:09 UTC

But of course. See? I behaved. But no RP and lots of studying makes Shawn's mun a dull mun. ;____;

So, got any prompt for the fic? :D


Re: OOC lipstickcat April 30 2009, 06:06:05 UTC
*pets* But, it's worth it....

Hmmm..... "Bathtime" *g*


Re: OOC dial_a_psychic April 30 2009, 06:08:17 UTC
At least I hope so... :P

LOL! <3 I knew you'd come up with a great one! <333


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