A bunch of questions everybody is answering.

Jan 13, 2009 14:37

So what's this gorgeous person's name?
Shawn Spencer, the one and only.

How are you feeling?
I'm doing awesome. My elbow kinda itches right now, though.

Would you rather fight zombies, vampires, or evil spirits?
I fight most of them, sometimes combined. All in a day's work.

Who is one person that you'd go through intense torture to keep alive?
A couple of years ago I'd have said J.K.Rowling, just for Gus' and the kids sake. So, probably my parents Mom. And Gus is too sneaky to get caught, so I'm not really counting him.

Do you breath slow or fast?
That would probably depend on what I'm doing.

How often do you have nightmares?
I don't have any nightmares.

Is the room you are in right now clean or a mess?
It's sort of a neat mess. Like, messy, but it's yet not taken all over the place.

Do you honestly ever feel sorry for yourself?
Sometimes, when I'm having pineapple, or pineapple upside-down cake, or pineapple ice cream, I remember about those moments when I run out of pineapple. I can honestly say that in those moments I feel very sorry for my past, lacking of delicious pineapple, self.

What do you think of the French?
Lovely people, with one even lovelier accent. They're also great at creating catchy words. I guess it's the accent.

Do you know anyone who's killed anyone?
Yeah, I think I've already met more than enough psychos.

Are you a shy person?

What do you need to be able to fall asleep at night?
Aside of feeling sleepy? A glass of milk helps.

Are you wearing anything on your feet and if so what?
Only my thick, fluffy, blue socks.

Are you comfortable right now?
Very much. I love my couch. :D

What's the bloodiest thing you've ever seen in real life?
I've seen a lady give birth a kid with a head the size of a mellon. And I swear it was bloodier than all the Nightmares in Elm Street togheter.

Have you ever seen someone die/a dead body?
Sometimes more than once a week...

Can you do any tricks on trampolines?
Dude, since Laurie game me my trampoline I've learned a lot of stuff! I could easily be the new star of the Cirque du Soliel.

Do you share secrets with the person you like?
I'm an open book to everybody. With an index and everything.

Are you more for the here-and-now or what happened in the past that counts?
I like living the present, thank you very much.

Would you rather fly or breathe underwater?
Fly. I'd totally love to fly.

Do you buy your underwear in a pack or separately?

Have you ever made fun of anybody and later became their friend?
I think I made fun of Gus when we met, because he talked funny. But, hey, in my defence, he did talked funny. And I was five.

Do you have a pair of shoes that you can only wear with one or two outfits?
Yeah, they're called ice skates and I usually wear them with my winter outfits.

Do you know any songs that are older than you are?
No. You see, I just happen to be 1.157 years old, I just look this good for my age...

Are there framed pictures of you anywhere in your house?
Not really. I don't have pictures of me in my bathroom.

Compared to other people of your age would you be considered 'NORMAL'?
Dude, I'm a psychic. And we prefer to be called special people.

Who is worst in your family about calling people back?
I gotta say Uncle Jack. Even when he's not travelling he sucks at calling back.

When was the last time you had an ice cream sandwich?
Around a month ago.

When was the last time you ate jelly beans?
Yesterday, while watching a movie with Kate Winslet and Cameron Diaz.

Have you ever caught a friend cheating on their bf/gf?

What was the last song stuck in your head?
'Music Is My Hot, Hot Love' by Cansei De Ser Sexy

Do you think your mom has secrets she's never told you?
TMI secrets? Hopefully I'll never know. Other than that, no, she tells me everything.

Do you own anything you don't want your parents to know about?
Every guy has something he doesn't want his mother to know about...

Do you pose in your pictures or just smile?
Both. And I occasionally smile as I pose.

Are there any colors you will NOT wear?
No. But unlike some people, I wouldn't just mix them all in the same ugly shirt.

Do you use scented soap in the shower?
Nope. Girly stuff for the bath is more like my Dad's department.

Did you ever want to be a fashion designer?
Not really. I'm more inclined to hit the catwalk instead of... designing the outfits for the people who hit the catwalk.

Who was the last person you danced with? Enjoyable?
Gus. And I gotta say that if you wanna call out off the dancing time, tackling is completely unnecesary.

Do you like convertibles?
Who doesn't?

Have you ever yelled at the television?
How many songs on your MP3 player are about sex?
I'm calculating something around the 92%.


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