Saying stuff

Aug 08, 2006 00:32

List ten (10) things you want to say to ten (10) different people.
Do not state who these people are.
Do not confirm or deny any 'comment speculation'.
Optional: Tag five (5) people.

1. You have no idea. Well, actually you do ... But you hear it up there and don’t yet feel it right here. However... this is not a timed test, there is no finish line, and I’m not that worried.
2. Interesting that you now say you should hate the player and not hate the game. Don't sell yourself short. I think you should hate the game.
3. Can’t wait!
4. Thank you for your love and patience.
5. You’re doing the right thing. Anyone who knows anything about anything knows that. Your road is tougher than mine.
6. Rumor has it that you’re about to crash into a wall. I’m really sorry; it’s not for me to butt-in or comment on your choices. People do love you. I hope they tell you as often as they should and as often as you need it.
7. Wish we lived closer.
8. I know why you’re not calling; you know I’ll get on your case. So just do what you need to do already!
9. I try to occupy the middle ground, peaceably, but you & politics are a forceful mix, and it’s not the best combination for socializing.
10. Just keep breathing.
11. Of course I can be happy for you. Can you be happy for me?
12. You are absurdly self-aware and way smarter than I am. But if you don’t write that book I will!
13. Please reconsider. Don't give up on that part of life, even though everything else is going amazingly well.
14. Please, I’d like that. That’s all I need. It will work out great, I know it.
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