Putiriks and Depardiks

Jan 13, 2013 11:52

- "I got out of the wide leg, ...
See, envy, I am a citizen,
and there is not some sort of gastarbeiter"

In the period 1999 to 2002, four times I tried unsuccessfully to move from Uzbekistan to Russia and move his family to their historical homeland, but my dreams were broken on resettlement of the harsh reality of modern Russia. Thank Norwegians people, sheltered and heated, and now Norway, my new homeland.

And the reality is, as I have said many times, namely, that today ethnic Russian from Central Asia and the Caucasus are not needed in Russia in fact, Russia is ready to send them anywhere, as long as they do not remain in their historic homeland. Program of resettlement of compatriots failed miserably, the money allocated for resettlement stolen officials, and the majority of Russian immigrants, are harassed on the ground, local authorities are forcing them to leave. In rural areas, immigrants set fire to the house, provoking conflicts, the police does nothing, and sometimes falsified criminal cases.

The best thing about this Rozembaum Alexander said in one of his songs, "Why do you have boots on the face Motherland!"

Probably not only I saw that in Russia, the governors, this modern feudal lords, and they are more willing to take at camp traffickers or Vietnamese garment battalion than nondrinkers and hardworking countrymen from Tashkent, Ashgabat, Dushanbe and Baku, where they dearer traders and drug runners first of all they are not "swing right", and second, they are solvent. These two factors are the dominant components in corrupt schemes with all the consequences that affect the world drug trade and the growing threat of international terrorism.

Against this background, at least strange looking “ king gift” from Vladimir Putin for Gerard Depardieu and handing Russian citizenship in violation of the established rules and laws of Russia, and French fugitive overnight became a Russian citizen.

But what about the millions of other applicants Russian citizenship? It turns out that no ethnic Russian citizens of Russia, but them living in Russia or abroad, must wait years to give unimaginable bribe officials subject of mockery, and someone can get Russian citizenship, just because his face like the president of Russia? The law is the law for all, is it rights Vladimir Vladimirovich!?

How can you say about the rule of law and the Constitution to all without exception and regardless of titles and ranks, are themselves publicly breaking the law? After all, the law "On citizenship of the Russian Federation" is not a word that the Russian head of state citizenship can serve yourself or that - who he wants, this law is not a word at all that the President has the right to interfere in the procedure for awarding citizenship.

Depardieu fled the high taxes in France, but it is waiting for the harsh reality in Russia, rather than high taxes at home to 75%, and now it will give bribes and "kickbacks" to 90% of their income and no friendship with the president will not help! This is not to mention the freezing cities every winter, burning down villages, "cool" guys in expensive cars crushing children and women at traffic lights, shooting weddings in the city center and glamorous whores in the Kremlin-​​party.

All of this is yet to come from Mr. Deparde and no will not help drink Asterix and Obelix.

Still ahead, Mr. Depardieu.

Sincerely Evgeni Dyakonov
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