Apart from working over 150 hours of overtime in the past 8 weeks, I'm hanging in! I've included some pictures to illustrate what else I've been up to in the past few months, so this post is rather image heavy. I should be in Toronto at some point in the new year (I WANT TO GO DANCING!) and apart from that, I anticipate that my life will slow down to a more manageable pace in the near future :)
Garden Before (very compacted gravel and sand due to the pool - removed by hand!)
Garden After (soil, mulch and a gravel path)
Guest Room Before
Guest Room After
Den Before
Den After
Sunporch Before (can you imagine where the mice were coming in?!)
Sunporch After (torn down and rebuilt)
Potting Shed Before
Potting Shed After
My beautiful Japanese Maple this fall
Newfoundland in August (stunning!)
Happy Holidays!
PS: If I EVER have to see another paint brush, it will be too soon.