Characters: Lisa Turpin, Angelina Johnson
Rating: G
Summary: Lisa and Angelina have some chat over lunch. Oh, and by the way, it's quite long. (To be finished off in comments - computer failure!
Lisa picked at her lunch with a bored expression on her face. She wasn't particularly hungry, and hadn't really intended to have lunch in the first place. But the other choices were even less appealing, going to the common room, where everyone was studying, or going to the library, where everyone was studying. So chicken pie it was. She leafed idly through a Transfiguration book, placed next to her plate, and put her inkbottle on the corner of a page to hold it open.
Angelina walked into the Great Hall with a sleepy look on her face. History of Magic could do that to a person. As she walked to her own table, sighing as she saw that none of her close friends were there, she noticed that Lisa Turpin was sitting by herself with one of the most bored expressions she'd ever seen. Interhouse relations she thought and headed over to Lisa and tapped her on the shoulder. "Need company?"
Lisa looked up and smiled shyly, laying down her fork. 'I could definitely do with some, my ransfiguration book isn't exactly scintillating. So, um, how are you?'
She nodded her head and sat down, reaching out to grab some chips. "I'm half dead, I just left Binns' History of Magic class." She lifted her bag and slammed it down on the table, grunting at how heavy it was.
Lisa moved her hand out of the way, then grimaced at the thought of the dreaded History of Magic. 'I'm not surprised you're half-dead then... I often wonder why the students don't end up leaving as ghosts more often, if it can happen to him, then I'm sure it can happen to us.' Lisa raised an eyebrow.
"You could be right about that, you know. Ravenclaw and all," she smiled at her and grabbed the large bowl of chips and began to dig in. "How are you?"
Lisa giggled. 'I think predicting deaths is more Professor Trelawney's style. I'm fine, sick of studying, my owl's hiding from me because I keep turning her into a three-legged stool for Transfiguration revision.'
Angelina started laughing too, "Three-legged stools! How I do miss that? But wait until you're in seventh year, it doesn't get any better."
'My stool still only has two legs and falls over all the time. But I'll get it fixed by exam time. Seventh year seems a lifetime away but I guess it'll come quicker than I think...' Lisa looked worried at the prospect, but smiled nervously at Angelina.
"It will." Angelina smiled at her. "You'll be eighteen before you know it. And I'd like to tell you it gets easier, but that would be rude to just lie." She shrugged apologetically.
Lisa's eyebrows shot up at Angelina's candour. 'Well, um, at least you're being honest.' She pushed her hair behind her ear. 'I remember thinking when I was younger that sixteen was really grown-up but now I know that it's not. And no one here seems to be any more grown up than some of the fifth years. I mean... um, not that you're not grown up or anything.' Lisa, you IDIOT, do you have to stick your foot in your mouth EVERY time you speak to someone?
She gave Lisa a mock annoyed look then shook her head, "It's much easier to run around acting like some love-struck carefree teenage girl than to be an eighteen year old Head Girl. Trust me."
Lisa, in turn, pretended to cower from Angelina's wrath, and then looked confused. 'Love-struck? You don't mean me, do you? I'm not in love...'
"Oh no, I wasn't saying you were love-struck!" She started laughing. "I was just using an example. It just seems that's the new craze." She winced at her comment. None of that had come out right.
Lisa smiled. 'I was just checking. It does seem that way, doesn't it? Maybe there's something in the air.'
"Oh it definitely does. Then again, I think it's been that way since the beginning of the year to be honest." She ate another chip. "Boys following girls, and girls following boys."
Lisa nodded her assent. 'It's sort of sweet, really,
though.' She twirled her hair round her finger, then stopped abruptly, remembering her mother chiding her about playing with her hair. 'It does seem to be particularly rife at the moment. Odd, seeing as it's exams soon and such like.'
"You know, the flirting and snogging going on between the students is just to compensate for the stress they're going under." She bit her bottom lip and smiled. "I mean, that's what I think anyway."
Lisa giggled nervously yet again. 'I suppose so,' she replied, realising that she didn't really have a clue about any of that.
"And don't forget about all that Quidditch chaos we've been having?" She asked casually, hoping not to give herself away too easily. "Some students," she rolled her eyes.
'I know, I wonder what happened to all the supplies...' Lisa furrowed her brow and thought for a moment, then decided it was safe. 'Angelina, keep a secret?'
"My lips are sealed," Angelna looked at the chip in her hand and back at Lisa with a straight face. She had been keeping up with about five secrets that she could think of and this one would be no exception.
Lisa looked extremely worried. 'Well... this morning when I was having my breakfast, I got an owl. And... well, the owl. The owl had one of the stolen Beaters' bats! But I didn't steal it, really, I didn't, and I've sent it back to Madam Hooch. Do you think she'll get me in trouble?' Her eyes sparkled with tears.
"No!" Angelina said, feeling extremely guilty now. "Hey, don't cry about it! She won't get upset! Look, no one knows who sent them. I mean, they've been sent to students in all the houses. Don't worry about it." She wanted very desperately to tell Lisa her own secret.
"Oh, did everyone get them?" Lisa's smile returned, and she blinked back her tears.
"I was so worried. If everyone's got them, then Madam Hooch won't be so angry. Did you get one as well? Who do you think sent them?" Lisa asked curiously.
"I don't think everyone got one," Angelina sighed. "I didn't get one, no. But I think Harry did, and Katie Bell, and Seamus Finnigan, if I'm not mistaken." This was taking an absolute turn for the worse, "I can't say I even have an idea who did it.
What about you?" She looked at Lisa expectantly.
Lisa shook her head. "No idea. I doubt it was any of the Ravenclaws, I haven't seen a single one of us with our nose out of a book lately. Plus I reckon Roger would have caught any of the Ravenclaws, he's way too observant, I reckon it's not healthy." Lisa suddenly realised what she'd said, but looking at Angelina's face, she guessed she wasn't going to be in trouble. She sat back, trying not to grin, and sipped from her glass of water again.
"I would like to doubt any Gryffindors, too. I mean, the whole lot of us have been studying and though we were upset about our loss, I don't think we'd be that foolish. I wouldn't dare cross any of the Professor's paths right now."
"Yeah, that sounds about right. The professors do seem a little... stressed at the moment overall, don't they? There's only one or two nice ones around. Even Professor Weasley seems a bit on edge and he's usually lovely,' said Lisa.
"Really? I haven't paid much attention to him," Angelina said, shrugging. "I think they're just anxious with the end of the year approaching."
Lisa nodded. "Guess so. I suppose they'll be setting exams and such like. And having to field enquiries from everyone who wants to know what's going to come up in the exam.'
"Oh exams," Angelina grumbled. "That is something I'm dreading. I usually choke up in exams, but I think I've been doing pretty well." She looked down at her head girl badge.
Lisa followed Angelina's gaze. "Yes, I'd say you have! I'm usually okay with written exams, but it's the orals I hate. I always end up stammering and just speaking rubbish. It's awful!" Lisa laid down her glass, and ran her finger over the rim.
"The best thing to do before an exam," Angelina let her lips curl into a sneaky grin, "is to have a shot of Firewhisky." She said it with such humour in her voice, she hoped Lisa could tell she was only joking.
Lisa laughed out loud. "I'm sure that would do wonders for my problem with talking rubbish in exams!"
Angelina laughed. "It does wonders, I do it every time." She joked and poured a glass of water. "So, what are you doing for the summer?"
"Going home for most of it, I think." Lisa replied. I'm looking forward to it, I miss my family a lot. I might be staying with my older sister near Hogsmeade for some of the holiday though, and that'll be nice, I have a niece and a nephew who I've not seen for a while. What about you? Going anywhere exotic?"
"I wish my brother would settle down and give me a niece or nephew to spoil." She sighed. "Well, if things go as planned," her eyes began to twinkle, "I should be going to Egypt with Bill Weasley and Anthony Goldstein."
Lisa looked confused. "Anthony Goldstein? Why are you going to Egypt with him?"
"Well, he's going along with Bill. To be honest, I don't even know what we're really going for." She felt the heat creeping on her neck. "I'm sure Anthony's going for a good reason, I just want to get out of Europe."
Lisa looked carefully at Angelina. Is she blushing? "Is that for that camp thingy? So you're not interested in it then? I don't even know what it's about."
"I don't think it's for the camp. Oh yes, I'm interested. I want to learn about Egypt. The camp thing is with the dragons," she said halfway confused.
Lisa tilted her head to one side. "Oh right, not the dragons then, I get so confused, I'm scared of dragons so I've just ignored when people talk about it. So is it a similar thing? I should really do something worthwhile with my holidays as well..."
"I should really ask Bill," Angelina thought out loud. "You know, you shouldn't be afraid of dragons. I think there are things much worse."
Lisa nodded. "I'm sure. Luckily, I haven't met anything worse. So you're really going all the way to Egypt with Anthony and Bill Weasley, and you don't know why you're going?" Lisa looked incredulous. "That sounds like an adventure!"