To be determined later?

Apr 13, 2011 10:48

I don't know anymore...

Now that I think back a bit, I started up this LJ after I discovered elabeth had one and since I was in the navy I had nothing better to do than to surf on here... and the communities... ah the fun communities that let me see more amateur skin than I'd dreamed about for a long while...

Then along came facebook, and myspace, and now tumblr. I still have a myspace but I haven't logged into it in litterally years. My facebook I use more than I ever thought I would, but if I don't know you well enough in real life, I won't add you on there and I won't post anything that I wouldn't mind my boss or mother to see. Those my hard and fast rules on there, since I've seen too many stories about how people messed up and posted some info there that ruined their lives... And yes, I have most of my family who's on facebook added as "friends"... it helps me to keep in touch with the ones in Cali and Alaska and other places.

My better half won't even make one for herself, because we share many of the same friends, and she's also seen too many stories about how some teacher was an idiot somehow and lost her job or something because of facebook... Despite our constitutional first ammendment rights.

Now, for tumblr, I even admit that I created it just to be able to look at the "lovely naked women" of tumblr.. I even admitted that it probably was creepy, but so be it. It still amazes me that people continue to put information out onto the internet for all to see and then expect to still have complete privacy... I hate to ask, but how stupid can someone be with all the stuff out there about identity theft and nudie pics being posted everywhere?

Ok, strike my last question... It's not stupidity, it's gullibility. People get the instant gratification from the internet then forget all about the consequences after the fact... And like I saw someone on tumblr post "It's very hard to meet someone after you've already seen a phot of their vagina" and I'm sure the pun was intended...

NOw, for those who might ask themselves (or me) about my wife knowing about my tumblr? Yes, she does... and she often harrasses me about "looking at my porn again"... Like I've said on my tumblr, it lets me kinda get my freak on without cheating, because there are more than a few things that I might be into that she certainly isn't...
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