Aug 01, 2011 22:20
I really should schedule more Monday's off from work. They feel entirely more naughty in the way that Friday's off work don't.
Since a weekday off work is rare for me these days (because I hardly work any weekends) I'd decided it was time to revisit Leeds. It's only half an hour drive, but I tend to prefer York for shopping, so we never get down to Leeds - in fact the last time we were in the city was pre-NZ so that's got to be early 2007.
First, we went to Ikea which is such a great place to wander when it's not weekend-crowded. Got a fair bit of stuff, including some cool decorative twig things that look like arrow flets and an enamelled metal huge oval tray which I have not idea where to put, but I know it will look awesome somewhere in this house. Weirdly, the Ikea cafe doesn't seem to have Daim cake anymore. Great for my diet, but my tastebuds are still disappointed.
Then into the city where the only shop I specifically wanted to visit was Muji (I've missed Muji, it has the most practical stuff). Very impressed that I managed to negotiate the notorious ring road (I've not lived in Leeds for 10 years, and driving in the city centre really is a bitch if you get in the wrong lane).
There's a few things that have changed - like the shopping centre that used to have The Pier in it is now completely stripped out - but it was really nice to walk down Briggate and explore the Victorian arcades. Made me a little homesick for Leeds... I only lived there for just over a year, but it was a lot of fun (great bars and clubs). But I still think on balance that if we ever decide to do city living again I'd pick York - it maybe over run with tourists but it's got so much charm and charisma and wears its history so well.
Came home and found the new SuperJunior album has been leaked. I'm not overly wild about it in total as it's weirdly retro and the non-retro stuff is soppy and I can't be doing with ballads in foreign.
But I've got the second track Opera on repeat and it's as annoyingly catch as Perfection and Sorry, Sorry so guess what's going to be loaded onto my phone tomorrow?
Not a bad day in all.
(can you tell I'm forcing myself to post more to lj? can you)
(so I think the reason I quit lj posting in the first place is that my life is fabulous but outwardly uneventful and who wants to hear from me just saying just how content I am all the time?)