Leave me a comment saying "Contagious, Yoda's grammar is". I'll respond by asking you five questions so I can get to know you better. Update your journal with the answers to the questions. Include this explanation in the post and offer to ask other people questions.
My answers )
Yes, you should have posted some pics! I'm thiking of making Suka wool. He has now really soft and beautiful fur and he is still growing it. Next spring I could save all that I brush away.
Really? I thought you would say candles. They sound so like you.
What kind of is Teryaki chicken? Never got myself into japanese food really.
You think you will go back someday?
Go Tiefer!
I have it other way round :P Omars are bit too sweet to eat a lot.
Tho I have the same. But I haven't yet burn my hair nor eyebrows.
Wait, doesn't Subway have Teryaki (with one extra i) chicken?
Hmm. Will go on with the question...
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