Further Confusion 2012

Jan 17, 2012 21:45

The con was neither great, nor bad. It was just "OK" this year. It went pretty quickly.
InFURmery, but guess what? there were REALLY furs that were injured!

* ADP (Adult Dragon Panel) EXCELLENT art, and EVERYONE wanted to be there! EE Knight joined us and had a blast

* I watched about 5 hours (two different nights) of Karaoke! It was SO much fun singing along with the singers. There were even dancers and "air" guitars (blow up guitars), and back up singers!

*I got to hang with Nevermint and VermyFox quite a bit which made me happy :) Very cool guys.

* No central area to hang around with people. There were chunks of people, but I couldn't really PEOPLE-WATCH which I love doing.

* Too stretched out of an area. Two hotels AND the convention area.

* Parties that were going on, but I couldn't find them. Even though I dont drink much, I like being with friends and chatting.

* I wasn't in the mood to suit. I brought three suits and only wore one, once. Kinda sad.

PHOTO GALLERIES (as they are found):
http://www.flickr.com/photos/diadexxus/sets/72157628935676421/ My Gallery
http://www.flickr.com/photos/74517987@N02/sets/72157628912522465/ Red XIX's
https://plus.google.com/photos/105210439214416577318/albums/5697189510710356625?banner=pwa Karadar's Gallery
http://www.ultra-gor.com/gallery/ Ultra-Gor's Gallery
https://picasaweb.google.com/UckTicoonox/FC2012?authuser=0&authkey=Gv1sRgCIucwujI-vSa5gE&feat=directlink Uck's Gallery
https://picasaweb.google.com/118311485877284225958/FurtherConfusion2012 IM Weasel's Gallery (including the DRAGON PHOTO SHOOT! https://plus.google.com/photos/118311485877284225958/albums/5698790106634856225?banner=pwa RAR! Thanks for doing this for us!)
http://pics.livejournal.com/nicodemusrat/gallery/00028daa Nicodemus' Gallery
http://gallery.me.com/furox#100324 Furox's Gallery
http://pics.livejournal.com/trikotomy/gallery/000caxgg Trikotomy's Gallery
http://www.flickr.com/photos/67997687@N00/sets/72157628962592097/ Thumper's Gallery
http://groggy.likes-pie.com/gallery3/index.php/Furry/Conventions/FC2012 Groggy's Gallery
https://plus.google.com/photos/107187441795864255385/albums/5700644941924431153?banner=pwa AaronRaccoon's Gallery
http://www.flickr.com/photos/29314661@N02/collections/72157629007429369/ Revellie's Gallery
http://www.flickr.com/photos/14427733@N07/sets/72157628901670455/detail/ Lionel Lum's Gallery
https://picasaweb.google.com/107261824621188464787/011112To011712FurtherConfusion2012 Growly's Gallery
http://www.flickr.com/photos/tastyeagle/sets/72157629036657031/ TastyEagle/Orzel's Gallery
http://min.us/mePeUsNbX#1 & http://min.us/mbabGWpdyf#1 Ttigon's Galleries

fursuit, convention

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