From surfer/lurking on so many pregnancy boards and blogs, I'm really surprised at how many people express a deep hatred for attending showers (both baby and bridal). I'm rather confused. I've always enjoyed celebrating a life-changing event of my friends and family members.
I can see how some games (ones I had never heard of or witnessed until I read about them online) can be rather tedious or gross, but they seem to be in the minority. How is watching a person open up gifts "torture"? I love seeing what others got them, the cute or useful items, etc. This has been true for me long before I was engaged or ready to start a family.
I've never been bored at a shower, where in contrast I have been bored to tears at a wedding.
Maybe I'm weird?
These thoughts and online information gathering started since I found out I am getting a baby shower after all! I'm both excited and super grateful. My mother-in-law is throwing a family shower for us at Brian's grandmother's apartment complex's community/party room so that all the extended family (oodles of female cousins and aunts) can attend. It'll be on Labor Day just 5 days before my brother-in-law's wedding, so the timing is really great for us (since we already have to fly early to Minnesota for the festivities). As a side bonus, Brian's aunt from nearby Federal Way is driving and has offered to load up the car with any gifts or extra luggage for the return trip.
Judy (my MIL) is very sweet and totally wants my input. Hence being surprised at researching showers and finding out how many people rant and rave on the Internet about their hatred for such events. I can somewhat understand if you have struggled with infertility -- who would want to be reminded of what you can't have and despairingly tried to achieve? But so-called friends and family hating it for no other reason than "it's soooo boring" and feels "like a fake celebration". How is welcoming a new baby a fake emotion? Even when I wasn't ready to be a mother, I could easily muster up happiness for the expecting friend or relative. I practically screamed in my chair from joy on hearing
redlemon was pregnant and was totally bummed I couldn't be present for her shower.
Anyway, feel free to enlighten me as to what makes you hate baby showers. I'm going to try my best to have my shower be as enjoyable for my guests as it has been for me when I've been a guest.