All right! No one's raised any objections to the times I suggested for the meet-ups, so let's call it a done deal.
Both the Snack and the Snupin meet-ups with be Saturday afternoon:
1:00 - 1:50 pm: Snack meet-up
1:50 - 2:10 pm: overlapping Snack and Snupin "anything goes" period; time to potentially compare aspects of the two ship or discuss Sirius/Severus/Remus as a threesome
2:10 - 3:00 pm (or whenever we happen to decide we're done!): Snupin meet-up
Since we don't yet know what rooms and facilities might be available to us, let's meet outside the Grimmond Building (the building where all of the con programming will be taking place). There appears to be a nice little lawn with trees right across the sidewalk from the building -- it's the triangle-shaped bit on the
campus map.
Bring your lunch; we'll have a slashy, pervy picnic! ;)
Keep watching the comm; if there are any changes, they'll be posted here.
Looking forward to seeing everyone!