Post-Con Pubmeet Proposal: London

Jul 20, 2011 01:48

Note to mods: If this is inappropriate, please feel free to delete

First off, I hope everyone has a great time at the con! Really gutted that I can't make it :(

Which brings me to the point of this post: Are there any London-based fans and/or any International fans staying in the capital for a day or so after the Con, who'd be up for a Pub-Meet on the Monday? From experience, I know that the Post-con Blues can set in very quickly, and a side-meet serves as a nice way to cushion the comedown.

The venue I propose is The London Stone, which is the last remaining sibling of Snape's Pub (favoured t00b venue). It has the decor you'd expect, and the infamous Seven Deadly Sins cocktails :)

Provisional kick-off would be around 5pm, to give us a chance to nab seats.

Anybody interested?

EDIT: Seems like there's enough interest, now. So, we're on! 5pm at the London Stone, and you can all tell me how awesome the con was...
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