It is quite amazing that I managed to avoid ever studying or even hearing about this lady in college.
“Without specialization, I have been virtually unemployable in this country, except in arts colleges. Yet surely only generalists can represent the humanities in this time of crisis, as the next generation is being swallowed up in materialism and technology. American academic life is further enfeebled by its genteel code of professorial deportment. Our universities are the bland leading the bland. Are academics born sedate, or is sedateness thrust upon them? Promotion requires respectability, spirit-killing restraints. Eccentricities, for which the English are noted, are not tolerated, except in the already famous. The WASP ethic of American universities has given birth to a scholarship the mirror image of itself, passionless and humorless. David Cecil says, “Artists seldom are the same sort of people as critics - this is why so much criticism is inept.” (121) from “Sexual Personae: The Canceled Preface”.