Jan 18, 2007 13:23
I went with Chrissie to give Blood today at uni, in the sports centre. It went really well i think, the prick on the finger didnt hurt, and the jabbing of needle was like a cat scratch which im used to, the taking of the blood at one point made me feel weird and a bit panicy, but that went away. Didnt take very long at all really to do. Definately be doing it again in the future. Wonder what blood group i am! Plus i know im not anemic to - always a positive!
We have double glazing in our house now! :D even a new back door! They were here yesterday most of the day doing it i think (i wasnt here) they are back again today to do Toms window and fiddle around with the others apparently - not really sure what they are up to, bit weird to have old men roaming the house, peering in windows and up ladders! :p But if it gets the job done then i wont complain much! ;) Havent got a blind or curtains now tho - they took it down and plastered over the holes! So will have to get something done about that soon, cant live with a blanket held up by cord for very long! :)
Off to do some more transcribing now - ooh i sound like Bex ;)