Jun 10, 2009 18:04
So you think you can dance - starting now! *glee*
shall take note as I go along, I know you wanna hear about it. lol
I'll go by couple. Don't know any of them yet, since I don't start watching shows till the voting starts. At the end of this show I shall state who is my fave. *thumbs up*
1. Jeanine 18 (ballet training) and Phillip 20 (popping hip hop)
they got Hip Hop
she is pretty - LOVE her hair.
cute dance - really, quite an adorable dance. they did it really well, I thought.
1 Marry scream, first of the night. :D
2. Asuka 25 (ballroom training) and Vitolio 26 (contemorary)
they got a Broadway number
this number did nothing for me - it was okay I guess. The dancing was not bad, but neither person did anything for me.
0 Mary scream. awww
3. Karla 23 (contemporary jazz) and Jonathan 21 (salsa training)
they got the cha-cha
it was pretty good. she did good on the dance but emotionally does not really do much for me. He's so young and adorable - the dance needed him to be more manly. lol not his fault I guess.
1 Mary scream
4. Randi 23 (jazz/contemporary) and Evan 21 (Broadway training)
they got Jazz
hmmm - it should have been better. I liked him, I think she ruined it, didn't give enough or something? I enjoyed him though. I shall look forward to seeing more of him in the following weeks.
2 Mary screams but I don't think it was worth it. Just my opinion. :D
5. Paris 19 (contemporary funk) and Tony 20 (hip hop and funk)
they got hip hop
The judges did not like this - but I rather enjoyed it. She was better then him, I felt. But the dance was fun, the couple worked well together...I disagree with the judges here.
0 Mary scream - awww
6. Caitlin 21 (acrobatic dance) and Jason 21 (contemporary dance)
they got ? bollywood?
hmm, not sure about this style of dance, new for me. it was fun anyway. I enjoyed her, she is adorable. Fun dance to watch!
3 Mary screams lol
7. Janette 25 (salsa) and Brandon 19 (contemporary dance)
they got a foxtrot
beautiful dance, I've always had a spot in my heart for this style. I think she looks great. He's got good frame. Both of them had a lot of emotion. Great lifts Brandon!
1 long Mary scream (but that was cause she was laughing at herself for saying she uses botox) lol
1 scream for the couple. :D
8. Ashley 22 (contemporary jazz) and Kupono 23 (contemporary)
they got Jazz
odd dance about two crash test dummies - was really confused about this the first time I saw it (a 'what the heck' feeling) so I watched the show a second time just for this...still odd, but now that I get it, they were ok. :D
0 Mary scream
9. Melissa 29 ( ballet training) and Ade 20 (pronounced Ahh-day) (contemporary/hip hop)
they got contemporary
pretty dance - she may be my fave girl - and the ease in which he did his lifts? Made me really wanna see him again. I'd like to see him dance a different style, though the grace he brought to this dance was nice to see. But I don't think I got to see him really dance- great partner dancer though.
3 Mary screams
10. Kayla 18 (jazz) and Max 26 (latin ballroom)
they got Samba
oh, good dance. fave couple of the night I think - I liked him better then her. she was good though. just, if I have to pick a stronger person per dance, I choose him this time. just, as good as she was is proof of how great he is.
5 crazy long screams and a stand up from Mary, boy this gal is nuts. lol
hmm - might be the best season I've watched. I can't say I disliked a single dancer. And being there is 20 people, that is saying a lot.
First dance and last dance were my favorites. Two totally different emotions and dances - so I can't pick a favorite.
Fave gals - Jeanine, Melissa, Kayla
Fave guys - Philip, Ade, Max
Can't wait till next week.
*thumbs up for the entire show*
later days