Apr 28, 2008 04:37
I think everyone would agree with me when I say the american tax system is outrageous.
The same sums of money are taxed many many times.
1) When Businesses collect it, some is taxed. Businesses in turn pass expenses to consumers and workers so...
2) Workers earn less of a wage because of business tax expense, then have part of their wage taken by the government in the form of income taxes.
3) Consumers pay more because businesses pass tax expense to them through the price of their goods and in addition are charged a percentage of the value of the goods purchased (if they're not certain foodstuffs).
So...businesses make money and it is taxed, they pay their workers with the same money and it is taxed again, the workers spend the money on goods and it is taxed yet again! And these are only the most basic of circumstances!
Not only that, but our government has us so whipped that we do our own math. They come up with complicated laws and systems to determine how much we owe them for services we don't necessarily ask for, and they won't even do the math. They leave that to us. It's like you've gone to a restaurant, the waiter decides what you're going to eat, then later hands you a menu and asks you to put the bill together yourself, and you DAMN BETTER get it right or it's fraud!
My proposal for taxes:
First- Tax only businesses.
1) There are less businesses than people.
2) Businesses generally have staff paid to keep books and run the numbers, rather than requiring people to do so on free time.
3) Businesses are more likely to commit greater acts of tax evasion and fraud and thus deserve to be scrutinized more closely.
A flat rate tax is simple and fair, and because of its simplicity it should be much easier to detect fraud.
Third- Churches are businesses.
Self explanatory. They make money, provide services and have costs. A church is a business and should be taxed as such.
Fourth- The federal government should be responsible for funding the state government, and the state responsible for the local governments in their turn.
How naive I am.