"The white powder fell, but the snow didn't melt in the sun."--Beborn Beton

Mar 08, 2005 19:32

Today I finally got my long awaited snowday. The last time we had snowy weather, it had snowed overnight, so I still had to go in the next day, because the roads had been cleared. Well, today was a different story! I actually did go into work today, but, I only stayed for a little over two hours, and then I decided that the roads would be a nightmare by the time I got out of work tonight, so I was given permission to leave early. Thank Goddess! I'm so greatful that my supervisor was understanding about the fact that some of live far and that we were terrified to drive in the icy/snowy weather. My intuition even told me to turn around, go back home, and call out, but, I ignored it and went to work, anyway. I figured I might as well go in, for a little while, to make an appearence, because it would look better if I made the attempt to go in. It's not like I cared too much; however, I figured that since I was half way there, and since, I thought it would be dangerous to use my cell and drive, simultaneously, it made more sense to go in for a short while. Don't ask me where the logic in that lies, because, I haven't a clue! For the record, the roads sucked, and they were slippery as hell! Next time, if I have a strong intuitive feeling about something, I'm going to follow that gut feeling, instead of ignoring it. It will serve me well, indeed.

Anyway, I hung out with the girls from work, last night, to celebrate Michele's birthday. First, we went to Red Lobster for dinner, and I can't get over how packed the place was for a Monday night. You'd think it was a Friday or Saturday, especially, since we had to wait around 40 minutes or so for our freekin' table! At least we got to chill at the bar for a while and talk. I wound up getting a Samual Adams on tap, since I had a strange urge for a beer! It just seemed like a good "after work" beverage, and plus, if I were to have wine like I initially wanted to, I would've gotten tired quicker! Michele was the only one of us who ordered an actual lobster, and Melissa and I wound up getting fried seafood: shrimp, clam strips, crab-cakes and such. Michele looked so funny with the lobster bib on! Tehehe. After dinner, Melissa had to call it a night, so Julie wound up meeting up with Michele and I at the movie theater, and we saw "Million Dollar Baby". Now, initially, this would'nt be a movie I would choose to see on my own, but, once it was about 15 minutes into it, I was in it's grasp. I couldn't believe how much attentative I was to that movie! Of course, it had to have a freekin' sad ending! Oh well, it was still a great movie and very well acted. I could see why Hilary Swank won that Oscar award. (not that I'm one for those tacky award shows)

Ah! I love having all this extra time for myself!! This weather is making me quite lethargic, though, but at least I don't have to deal with people tonight. I love living, quietly, like a hermit, sometimes. To top it all off, I also have off, tommorrow! I think I'll try to write, tonight, or I'll straighten up my room. Na! I think I'll save that project for tommorrow. I'm too tired to do anything remotely close to cleaning. I already did some strenuous activity this morning; yeah, I wound up working out until I broke into a sweat! I feel better for it, and my body's thanking me for it. Anyway, I may just pop in a couple of movies, or, I'll work on the second part of my chocobo fan-fic, and I'll edit the first part that I wrote. This isn't a serious piece of work or anything, it's just good practice for my writing, is all. And wow, I just wrote an entire long post about nothing! Amazing! Anyhow, it's time for me to feed the cat and make myself dinner. Ta ta. >^_^
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