Ha, I figured I throw everyone off by beginning with an autogram. (autogram--a sentence that descibes itself) There, I had to get that grammatical play on words out of my system!!
Anyway, I had off today, and I got to get alot of my laundry done, which I had put off this entire week! I must've done about three or four loads, so, at least now, I don't have to worry about it for a while. I also went food shopping by myself, which I enjoy. When I got home, I made myself a yummy tuna wrap, with veggies and ceasar dressing. I've been trying to get back to my healthy eating habits, again, so, this was a good start! I also bought some organic salsa. I'm always getting salsa; I'm the salsa queen!! LOL
I was supposed to have gotten together with Michele and a few of the other girls from work, tonight, but, I had to cancel. I really don't feel like driving over 30 minutes, to Smithtown, especially when I know I'll be Michele's ride home, and she lives an added 15 minutes out of the way! I called and told her, and she said the other girls bailed out, too. She said that they'd rather get together tommorrow night, instead. Oh well, I already have plans, so I won't get to hang with them this weekend. It's okay, though, because, this has been one of those weeks where I wasn't really in the mood to deal with Michele, anyway. Yep, she's been getting on my nerves, this week, big time! Half of me feels bad for her, while the other half gets completely irritated. Maybe, I'll have more patience for her tommorrow.
Tommorrow night should be fun, because,
xxuntouchedxx is coming out to the island, so it shall definitely be a nice evening with the girls. I'm debating whether or not to go to Mobo's tonight. I feel so tired, yet, I'm craving a glass of wine, in a nice venue, with some good tunes. I spoke with Erica last night, and she said she'd be down there, tonight, so, I'll have to see how I feel in a couple of hours. Anyhow, I have to catch Wal-mart before they close; I need, uh, some feminine products. Nighty night! >^_^