(no subject)

Feb 09, 2005 20:31

I wound up being lazier than I planned on being, today. Oh well, at least I got to enjoy my day off! I haven't had a day where I did nothing, in a long time. Okay, I did do some things, but, nothing too tiring. The only places I went to was the ATM for cash, then, my mom and I went to this new, ethnic supermarket, behind our complex, to get some food for the house. I'm so so glad we have such a place close by, and in walking distance, too!

I was supposed to have done some cleaning in my room, but, I got too lazy, and there just isn't enough time in one day. I had also planned on taking an exhilerating walk in the nature perserve, but alas, I didn't get to do that either. Plus, it got really cloudy outside, so I thought, at one point, there would be some precipitation. Oh well! Maybe, if there's enough light out, after work tommorrow, then I'll go. Or I could go on Friday, my next day off! Woohoo! It'll be nice to have a Friday off.

Tonight, I think I'm going to dabble with my writing. I haven't picked up the ole pen in such a long time, so I'm just about due to do so. I'll try to, at least, get a page or two in before bed time. I'm in need of some mental enhancement, so I think doing something imaginative will help in that area. I need more days off in my life, with more money, too! Maybe someday! I think I'm going to go down to Suffolk Community and see about enrolling for the fall semester of this year. I need to be in school, again! I miss being in an academic environment; I feel like I'm doing something positive for myself, when I'm there. I think I'll go down on Friday, and check out the course catalog. I'm thinking of further pursueing the English field, and I would also love to become a free-lance writer, if I could finally stop procrastinating and just write something, already!

Okay, I don't have anything else of important significance to say here, so before this gets even more mundane than it already is, I'll stop dragging this on! Pleasant dreams everyone! >^_^
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