ohh btw:
this saved my life, or at least several months of major neck recovery who knows, glad i'll never know which
the deal, since you'll all ask anyways> Bill Klein's Schuss off of Lincoln i was ripping down, doing very awesome i might add and almost halfway down i was too light on my edges i caught an edge on the right ski and started to loose control then it hit a large bump, i lost the ski.Yonnick said i was then in the air for about 5 yds before i landed. on my head. and preceded to slide down the rest of the hill on my back. the finale: 1 ski on, all the rest of my equipment scattered around. and extreme pain, i swore my helmet and/or goggles were going to be broken but the quality held up
still in major ass neck pain
anyways the snow has been great and i am loving it.