Dec 26, 2017 18:35

  • Trying to finish grading.
  • Wondering what the fuck I did with the desk copy they sent me for 569 - can't find it anywhere (house, car, or office).
  • Wondering if they will forget they sent me a desk copy already and kindly send me another.
  • Found the book for my old people class and trying to figure out when I'm going to finish my old people class <- Ooooh I wonder if Shellene wants some extra nannying over the break? Hmmm...
  • Trying to decide if I'm nuts enough to start back at private practice at the first of the year <- (HA!) Ok I know this sounds crazy but I really want to redo the kitchen and all that sweet therpy cash would be nice.
  • Still trying to figure out where I'm going to fit in all Abby's therapy plus speech plus special magic preschool. Yap, there's that.
Also, I want to try and start running/working out in the mornings this semester. Not sure how that's going to work (see above), but I feel like if I can make room for that I will feel more centered and less crazy. I think. maybe.

It's time to go eat something I think. Mad Wolf, ho!
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