Nov 03, 2005 22:06
From the roof of the R.C. we survey a scene of unparalleled horror. IND's stand around in front of the cafe tables, long streamers of saliva hanging off their chins, stomachs nosily churning, others ejaculate at the sight of women. Latahs imitate the passers-by with monkey-like obscenity. Junkies have looted the drugstores and fix on every street corner...Catatonics decorate the parks...Agitated schizophrenics rush though the streets with mangled, inhuman cries. A group of P.R.'s-partially reconditioned-have surrounded some homosexual tourists with horrible knowing smiles showing the Nordic skull beneath in double exposure.
"What do you want?" snaps one of the queens.
"We want to understand you."
A contingent of howling simopaths swing from chandeliers, balconies and trees, shitting and pissing on passers-by. (a simopath- the technical name for this disorder escapes me-is a citizen convinced he is an ape or other simian. It is a disorder peculiar to the army, and discharge cures it.) Amoks trot along cutting off heads, faces sweet and remote with a dreamy half smile....Citizens with incipient Bant-utot clutch their penises and call on the tourist for help....Arab rioters ripe and howl, castrating, disemboweling, throw burning gasoline....dancing boys strip-tease with intestines, women stick severed genitals in their cunts, grind, bump and flick it at the man of their choice...Religious fanatics harangue the crowd from helicopters and rain stone tablets on their heads, inscribed with meaningless messages....Leopard men teat people to pieces with iron claws, coughing and grunting....Kwakiutl cannibal society initiates bit off noses and ears.
A coprophages calls for a plate, shits on it and eats the shit, exclaiming, "Mmmmm, that my rich substance."
A battalion of rampant bores prowls the streets and hotel lobbies in search of victims. An intellectual avantgardist-"Of course the only writing worth considering now is to be found in scientific reports and periodicals"- has given someone a bulbocapnine injection and is preparing to read him a bulletin on "the use of neohemoglobin in the control of multiple degenerative granuloma." (of course, the reports are all gibberish he has concocted and printed up.)
His opening words: "You look to me like a man of intelligence." (Always ominous works, my boy.... When you hear them stay not on the order of your going at once.)
An English Colonial, assisted by five police boys, has detained a subject in the club bar/ "I say, do you know Mozambique?" and he launches into endless saga of his malaria. "SO the doctor said to me, 'I can only advise you to leave the area. Otherwise i shall bury you.' This Croaker does a little undertaking on the side. peircing out the odds you might say, and throwing himself a spot of business now and then." So after the third pink gin when he gets to know you, he shifts to dysentery. "Most extraordinary discharge. More or less of a white yellow color like rancid jism and stringy you know."
An explorer in sun helmet has brought down a citizen with a blow gun and curare dart. He administers artificial respiration with one foot. ( Curare kills by paralyzing the lungs. It has no other toxic affect, is not, strictly speaking , a poison. If artificial respiration is administered the subject will not die. Curare is eliminated with great rapidity by the kidneys.) "That was the year of the rindpest when everything died, even the hyenas.
"Confusion hath fuck his masterpeice"