Although, I am not so so sure about this Easter Bunny rising from the dead after three days thing...I consider myself tolerant of other peoples religious beliefs, no matter how crazy I secretly believe them to be.
I am like a big fat magical power sometime. I knew I would be busy tomoorw so I thought I would use the future as my posting aid. Kind of like the Terminator but without all that Sarah Connor crap...that never made much sense to me anyway.
~eyes narrowing~ it's that super-hero cape, isnt it? Dammit! I knew I shouldn't have sold it in that flea market before I'd found out all of the secret buttons
it's that super-hero cape, isnt it?
I knew I shouldn't have sold it in that flea market before I'd found out all of the secret buttons
it's coz of them hats we have to wear way down over our ears.
*shakes fist in the air*
"Always blame other people for your shortcomings...Amen"
For me that is Ralphie Jones, my next door neighbor, I have not taken repsonsibility for anything since 1997. I am very lucky to have him.
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