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Jun 01, 2005 22:28

finally its over. public school no more im so happy :-D. i just have on more final friday and im not even caring about it fuck ms little's class i dont need it. but today started so good. i was soooo happy i just had one final english. i think i passed it. but no when i got to school i just had to step in dog shit for the love of christ DOG FUCKING SHIT before school! fucking hell god hates me so i was there picking shit out of my boot. boy did i feel like an idiot i just wanted to kill some one. but yea my detention was funny a kid bitched out the lady at the desk to talk to ms duff when she was with mr larkin to get advil from the nurse it was just funny. but when after when me, holly and roman were all by the cars in the parking lot me and roman decorated peda's car with painty and cookie dough he go maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad at me and then said i was over reacting to what he did to my car. i think thats bull he drew a dick and hello on my hood for no reason but it was a joke. we have a fucked up friendship but still dude not cool. i saw american history x at cosco i want it its not fear. i want it. after getting bitched at for not dressing like every other guy that is 19 and spends like 100 dollars on shirts and pants to look the same as every one else and wearing axe or colon every day to smell good, and theres some one going 25 when your tring to go fast to relieve stress it pisses you off alot. hey at 7-11 i won 10 bucks on a scratch ticket resulting in a free lunch for me. it was yummy and when courtney didnt win it tasted yummyer hehe im evil i know. got to the mall and holly changed pants in my car it was funny cause an old lady was getting to her car next to us while holly was changing lol. holly brought back applications and erika filled out heres we stayed at the food court from 5ish to 9ish during that time many jokes and puns about the balloon flowers and kerry's tits and the allusive boxalope who eats chowda. and i got kicked out of the rest of the night for popping a balloon at like 9:15 mind you the mall closes at 10 oh no the horror what will i do for the rest of the night? CVS went to see roman he was fondling a ball him and balls honestly. tonight was fun. what will tomorrow bring?

answer: buttermilk pancakes
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