Jan 27, 2012 18:50
So am trying out a fire druid after finding a Ravenlore. Am currently level 75, Using basically the same gear as a windy, except the helm.
Spirit shield
War travelers
2 SoJ's
When I hit 80 I'll use arachnid mesh.
Cta on switch.
Druid torch, anni and 6 Druid GC's
Basically all fire skills exept armageddon. Popped 1 point into oak sage and Grizzly. Didn't use Cyclone armor cause it was too weak.
I know fire isn't the best in hell, but got tired of all the other builds. I've made them ALL before. Trying something new.
Is there a way to make this guy even stronger? The only thing I can think of is if I put a Pheonix weapon and shield on him, but that would make him do less damage while it would make enemy resists go down, but don't think it would be enough.