Apparently I have exceeded my daily post limit on tumblr and can no longer post anything.
Which is a first for me.
I think it's tumblr's way of telling me to go and do other things.
Fine, then I do. But then whenever I open up a new tab I automatically start typing tumblr and then there's my dash and right on top is something neat that I want to
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Okay, so I have feelings. Firstly, Dair is really pretty... It works so beautifully, and no matter how many Chair moments they throw, there is this constant reinforcement that Dan is good for Blair whereas Chuck is part of her masochistic self-depricating, insecure past. There was a moment where I thought I'd missed an episode, because between them getting together and them having sex, they seemed to be almost too comfortable with each other- but then I understood that they could be so comfortable because of their foundational friendship. It made me warm...
I don't think they'll break Dair. It just doesn't seem likely... After all this time and effort (and it really does feel like they're the couple the writers saw and planned for early on but saved for the close of the series, to be endgame, because to start it too early would ruin it, leave it in the ether, like Nanessa).
But- if they do, it *has* to be through Chair, or through Serena manipulation (or a little of both). I know in my heart that Dan *won't* go for Serena. Serena may make Blair believe he has (you're a bitch, Serena!) but be can't- no matter how insecure he feels! I won't let him!
(I love Dan. I remember hating him in S.2, and probably in S.3 when he was dating Hilary Duff and throughout all those Danessa moments in S.3 ad S.4. but I love him again :)
I actually like Serena in this season, for how god-fucking little she has- for her desperation and for her dramatics not working for her to get her own way as they almost always do. Or at the very least, I love to hate her and I kinda sorta understand her reasoning and I like how the writers don't always (*always*) make her the victim, that they make her out as a selfish bitch from time to time too.
(But I see what you mean, her character is really inconsistent, back and forth, one minute all about banishing GG, and the next ruining her sister-cousin's career and posting intimate details of her friends' lives. I suppose this is what I like about her crush on Dan too- it is her one constant. Like Scarlett O'Hara. Almost. If you squint.)
Poor Nate. And poor Ivy. I wouldn't have torn up that cheque... I don't quite know if I like Lola or not (probably not) but I do feel bad that Serena was so unapologetically horrible to her, even when she was so gung-ho that they'd be best friends- and then turned into a bitch to her, all over her horrid daddy issues. So I guess I sympathise with her to an extent.
(Plus, she gives Nate something to so.)
See, this is a law thing that gets to me! Lily is not technically a bigamist, because Bart was declared dead. That is the UK law and I think it's the same for the US too. But I could be wrong (and I don't know how the law works when you pay someone to declare you dead). But still. If he was declared dead and all, her marriage to him would have gone and her marriage to Rufus would be upheld. Same with any property he tries to take back off her- she reasonably inherited it.
But yeah, if GG screw around with this, I'll be pissed!
And- I reeeeeally think that Serena and Chuck will happen. I don't want it (although it cannot be any more creepy than Chuck and Jenny, my skin still crawls!) And it will be nasty... Like watching a car-crash- You just can't look away, staring on in frozen horror.
And one thing I will say for this season- it was much more effective than the two previous seasons at getting the main cast back together in joint ventures and schemes. Before, it felt too weird, everyone hanging out again after high school, what with them going to different colleges and some of them working and most of them hating one another a lot of the time.
)and i will read all of your whats sure to be thoughtful words that i'll fully back later xxxxxxxx)
it's been hours since it was on and i am still... like.
not in shock or anything.
but whenever i think about it, and how it fits in with teh rest of this year i start laughing like a lunatic because IT IS SO OUT THERE.
everything that I did not want to happen happened.
and i dont know how to process this with what came before.
It literally makes ZERO sense.
i am shocked.
bravo to the gg writers for reaching an all time low in shitty writing though. even IIII did not think they'd stoop so low.
ugh i ran out of alcohol and i cant rummage for my second bottle bc emily hid it somewhere so i know i'll be out for the count soon but i just. need to write. about how i feeeeel.
the nonjudging breakfast club is A) not even remotely like the BFC in any way, and B) very very shitty friends.
i thought my biggest worry would be blair/serena but it turns out this ep wasn't even ABOUT them at all. EVERYTHING the writers have said previously has been a big crock of lies and i can't believe i fell for it all.
be sure there is an lj post coming.
fueled by my encroaching hangover and paaaaain. of the heart kind.
i am still pretty numb from the alcohol i think.
i am still loling for no reason.
except not really bc everything i love has been destroyed.
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