The internet makes the world ridiculously small.
Yeah, I know, "Thank you Captain Obvious!" but it kind of tripped me out how interconnected one random sampling of friends is.
Mind you I come from a place where everyone knows everyone else. And if you don't know them directly, you know someone who knows them or is related to them. It's not exactly a small town either since the population is roughly three times that of the entire country of Iceland (around 600,000 people, give or take). So I like to think I know something about interconnectivity and that six degrees of separation is a fact.
I have a friend named Epits. He is from the UK. I met him on the interwebz thanks to a shared love of the same band. (His best friend/ life partner happened to be going to the same school as I was but we figured that out after we'd known each other a while.) Epits in turn friends this guy from Long Island named Matt. Matt dates a guy named Justin and then breaks up with him because Justin is a serial cheater. I end up friending Denver from Pennsylvania. Denver in turn is friends with Justin from Idaho. I introduce Epits to Denver. Through Epits, Denver runs into Matt on a social network. Denver's boyfriend Simon ends up being friends with Matt. Justin from Idaho ends up moving to Long Island where he meets and dates Cheater Justin so Denver ends up friending Cheater Justin on the same social network where Simon is friends with Matt.
And now my head hurts.
Plus I realised that there wasn't a single straight boy named in that entire paragraph >.>
So I should probably amend my profile to read that I'm naturally drawn to churches, comic book shops and queer boys ^.^
EDIT: So this entry just got some weird ass spam and I'm thinking I might just end up FOing it.