First of all, hi :-) and thank you so much for taking the time to do this.
This is my first year doing this challenge, so I hope this letter is helpful! I signed up at the last minute, so any details will be in here.
Generally I love slightly angsty fics with a happy ending. I love slash and f/f, but I'm happy with gen too. I like romance, and the lead up to a relationship, especially really awkward courtships. Other things which are good are; misunderstandings, use of video games mechanics, and sarcastic banter.
The only things which bother me are non-con or scat/watersports.
Also, I tend to write what I like to read too, so if you're interested I can be found on AO3 under this pen name or at dreamwidth as the_morningstar616. Eventually all my stuff will be on AO3, but I'm not quite that organised yet...
So, on to my fandoms:
The Last Remnant
TLR is my first fandom. I have played through the game (all 100+ hours of it..) several times.
I ship Rush/David (or David/Rush) like burning, and I love fics which focus on the dynamics between these two, either as friends or with a focus on the developing relationship between them.
Fic wise, I would love to see something which involved David's generals too, a sort of awkward-courtship type fic, with the generals getting involved with good (or bad) advice for both of them.
If this wasn't the fandom we matched on, but you're intrigued by this then the wiki page is
here and the cutscenes for the game can be found on youtube easily enough. (
This channel has all of them, I think)
Honestly though, if this is the fandom we matched on then I'll be happy just to have someone else writing fic for this lovely game! :-)
Tales of Vesperia
This was the first game in the Tales series that I played, but I loved it. The party dynamics are interesting, and all the characters fairly complex. I ship Yuri/Flynn and Rita/Estelle (and also Judith/anyone because she's awesome.)
If we matched on this fandom I'd love any of the following: Yuri/Flynn first time (something dealing with the difficulties of a transition from friends to something more, perhaps?) Rita/Estelle awkward courtship. Or, really anything. Something gen with the entire party learning how to work and travel together would be great too.
If we didn't match on this fandom but you're interested in it then you can find out more
If we did match on this fandom but my ideas aren't inspiring anything then I'll honestly be happy with anything. I love all the main party characters, and will be happy to see anything written in this world. :)
Castlevania:Lament of Innocence
And last (but by no means least) we have Lament of Innocence
I loved this game. Castlevania is a huge favourite of mine. I'll be happy with pretty much anything written for this fandom. This fandom is an exception to the 'no non-con' too, I'd love to read something dark with Walter/Joachim or Joachim/Leon, or even Mathias/Leon.
Again, preferably slash. :-)
Overall, if we matched on this game I'd love to see something fairly dark (and perhaps a little obsessive? All the primary characters in this game seem to be)
If we didn't match on this fandom, but you've drawn a blank on the one we did match then you can find more about this game
here Thank you for taking the time to read this! Please do bear in mind though that, while I've tried to give a clear idea of what I like, these are only guidelines. If you'd rather write something totally different then I'll still be over the moon with whatever you come up with! :-)