I thought I would introduce myself after joining the community. I am 27 and have been diagnosed with type II diabetes for about five years now. I also have familial hyperlipidimia (sp?) and am bi-polar (woo that's a mouth full). I go through short spurts of having great control of my sugars and then they start to get out of whack again. I'm currently taking 1700 mg of Glucophage a day as well as 20 mg of Glyburide. I have a whole host of other meds for the rest of the stuff. I try my hardest to watch my carb intake and to get some exercise, but it is not uncommon for me to wake up in the morning to 200 blood sugar. It is so frustrating sometimes. I few years back I wrote a little piece on it it's
here if anyone is interested. Any advice would be appreciated.